
Primerjava produkcije videa s plačljivimi in brezplačnimi programi za nelinearno montažo
ID ŠTALCER, LUKA (Author), ID Meža, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 3D3CC375821C2FD779CB7B099FE2E8D5
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/ef7e5c02-c1bb-4a5e-a916-6960d04a3193

Diplomska naloga opisuje področje videa, ki vsebuje snemanje in kasnejšo polprofesionalno nelinearno video montažo ter obdelavo video posnetkov, zajetih z DSLR fotoaparatom, v dveh različnih popularnih programih – brezplačnem Lightworks Free in plačljivem Adobe Premiere Pro. Poudarek je predvsem na primerjavi slednjih programov – kaj lahko s pomočjo enega in drugega dosežemo, katera orodja vsebujeta in kakšne so njihove lastnosti, prednosti in slabosti, na katere težave lahko naletimo med samo montažo, kateri nam ponuja več možnosti za kreativnost itd. Opisano je tudi področje videa – njegova zgodovina, raba, pripomočki, ki nam lajšajo delo in posledično omogočajo lepše končne izdelke, pa tudi teoretično znanje, ki nam na tem področju ustvarjalnosti zelo koristi. Na koncu sta opisana tudi končna izdelka – dva videa, ki sta rezultat vseh opisanih postopkov, ki jih diplomska naloga vključuje. Omogočen je tudi ogled slednjih in na ta način rezultat tudi vizualno primerjati med seboj.

Keywords:video, DSLR, produkcija, montaža, izvoz, adobe premiere pro, lightworks
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72497 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of video production using commercial and freeware software for non-linear video editing
This diploma thesis describes video: recording and half professional non-linear editing and mounting of video shootings taken with DSLR photo camera in two different popular programs: free program Lightworks Free and payable Adobe Premiere Pro. The focus is especially on comparison of this two programs – what can we achieve by using one or the other, what tools do they offer and what are their properties, pros and cons, which difficulties can we face during the editing, which ones let us be more creative, etc. The diploma thesis also describes history of video, its usage, tools that make our work easier and consequently allow the final product to be better, and the theoretical knowledge that comes convenient when achieving our goals. In the end, two end products are described: two videos, which are the result of all the procedures described in the thesis. The videos can be also viewed; therefore the results can be compared with each other.

Keywords:video, DSLR, production, mounting, editing, export, adobe premiere pro, lightworks

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