As a part of this bachelor's theses a web application for automatic generation of light adapted trees was made. Genetic algorithms are used to adapt the trees towards the light source. The library ProcTree, which is an example of a parametric model for generating trees, is used to generate the trees. The first part of the theses contains the theory used in the creation of the application. The chapter consists of the following topics: tree generation theory and genetic algorithm theory. This chapter is followed by descriptions of the implementation of the application. Specifically the chapter talks about the usage of the application, it describes the process of tree generation and how this generation is influenced by genetic algorithms. It also describes the creation of the user interface and the renderer, and how the application is parallelized. The last chapter shows the results of the application. First some basic result are shown, than the effects of some parameters on the generation are explained, after that some interaction between trees are shown. The theses is concluded by a few problems and possible improvements of the application.