
Konstruktivistični pristop pri poučevanju temperature in toplote v 5. razredu osnovne šole : magistrsko delo
ID Buh, Darja (Author), ID Pavlin, Jerneja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3006/ This link opens in a new window

Z izrazi topel, hladen, vroč, greti in hladiti se ljudje v vsakdanjem življenju srečujemo od zgodnjega otroštva naprej. To pripomore h graditvi lastnih konceptov o temperaturi in toploti. Raziskave kažejo, da imajo otroci in odrasli kljub razširjeni in vsakodnevni uporabi fizikalnih pojmov temperatura in toplota ter poglobljeni obravnavi v 5., 6., 8. in v 9. razredu slovenskih osnovnih šol z razumevanjem teh konceptov velike težave. Njihovo razumevanje in predstave so pogosto napačne, daleč stran od strokovnih dognanj. Za učitelja je tako ključnega pomena, da pred začetkom poučevanja konceptov temperatura in toplota preveri, kakšno je predznanje učencev, kakšne so njihove izkušnje in morebitne napačne predstave. Na podlagi teh spoznanj in informacij v nadaljevanju načrtuje in izvede učni proces, v katerem se učenci naučijo nekaj novega, predvsem svoje predstave o izbranih pojmih približajo znanstvenim spoznanjem. Prav konstruktivistična metoda je metoda poučevanja, ki pri procesu učenja in poučevanja daje veliko težo učenčevemu predznanju, predhodnim izkušnjam in morebitnim napačnim predstavam. Spodbuja samostojno aktivnost učencev in povezovanje z vsakdanjim življenjem. Omenjeno je vodilo do cilja magistrskega dela, tj. preučiti, ali konstruktivistični način poučevanja pripelje do ustreznejšega in znanstvenim spoznanjem bližjega razumevanja naravoslovnih konceptov temperatura in toplota kot tradicionalni način poučevanja. V magistrskem delu smo si zastavili naslednja raziskovalna vprašanja: kakšne so predstave učencev v 5. razredu osnovne šole o temperaturi in toploti; ali konstruktivistični način poučevanja pripelje učence do boljšega in bolj poglobljenega razumevanja konceptov temperatura in toplota; ali učenci, ki so poučevani na konstruktivistični način, uspešneje rešujejo vprašanja višje ravni in znanje lažje prenesejo na nove situacije; ali konstruktivistični način poučevanja pri učencih spodbudi željo po dodatnem raziskovanju temperature in toplote; ali so učenci pri konstruktivističnem načinu poučevanja zaznali svoje napačno razumevanje temperature in toplote; ali so učenci, poučevani s konstruktivistično metodo, s samim poukom zadovoljnejši ter ali že med sprotnim preverjanjem znanja nastajajo razlike med učenci, ki so poučevani po konstruktivistični metodi, in tistimi, ki so poučevani po tradicionalni metodi. Pri raziskovalnem delu sta se prepletala kvalitativni in kvantitativni pristop raziskovanja. Uporabljeni sta bili deskriptivna in kavzalna kvazieksperimentalna metoda pedagoškega raziskovanja. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 38 učencev 5. razredov izbrane podeželske šole, starih od 10 do 11 let. Učenci so bili razdeljeni v dve skupini (eksperimentalno in kontrolno). Individualno so rešili predtest, ki je bil osnova za ocenjevanje njihovih predstav o temperaturi in toploti ter izhodišče pri načrtovanju učnih ur. Sledilo je poučevanje kontrolne skupine s tradicionalno metodo in poučevanje eksperimentalne skupine na konstruktivistični način. Ob koncu učnih ur so učenci obeh skupin rešili še test za sprotno preverjanje znanja. Teden dni po končani načrtni obravnavi temperature in toplote so učenci, vključeni v raziskavo, ponovno rešili potest, ki je bil enak predtestu. Ob koncu raziskave je vsak učenec samostojno rešil še anketni vprašalnik, s katerim smo pridobili podatke o njegovem odnosu do konstruktivističnega in tradicionalnega pouka ter o zaznavanju svojih predstav o temperaturi in toploti, morebitnih težavah in zahtevnosti testov. Izsledki raziskave kažejo, da imajo učenci o temperaturi in toploti izdelane svoje predstave, ki običajno niso skladne z dognanji stroke (npr. temperatura je toplota, s termometrom merimo toploto, termometer kaže temperaturo merjenca …). Kaže se, da konstruktivistični način poučevanja učence pripelje do boljšega in bolj poglobljenega razumevanja konceptov temperatura in toplota, saj so učenci, poučevani po konstruktivistični metodi, uspešneje reševali vprašanja višjih taksonomskih ravni, znanje lažje prenesli na nove situacije, bolje zaznavali svoje napačne predstave o temperaturi in toploti ter bili s poukom zadovoljnejši. Izsledkov raziskave ne moremo posplošiti na osnovno množico, a vendar predstavljajo izhodišče za nadaljnje raziskovanje.

Keywords:tradicionalni pouk, poučevanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[D. Buh]
Number of pages:XIII, 163 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72398 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10686537 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:A constructivist approach in teaching temperature and heat to year 5 primary school learners
A person is getting familiar with expressions such as warm, cool, hot, to warm and to cool from their early childhood onwards, and this helps one form concepts temperature and heat. However, studies show that children and adults still have great difficulties with understanding these concepts, despite commonly used physical concepts »temperature« and »heat«, which are thoroughly discussed in 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th grade in Slovenian schools. Their understanding and ideas are often wrong and far from professional. It is necessary for a teacher to check pupils' prior knowledge, their experience and possibly wrong ideas about temperature and heat before they start teaching these concepts. Based on this enquiry, the teacher later plans and carries out the teaching process, in which pupils learn new things and, more importantly, adapt their ideas about certain concepts to scientific claims. This fits with constructivist method of teaching which gives great importance to pupils' prior knowledge, their experience and their possibly wrong ideas. It also encourages pupils to work independently and to connect school with everyday life. In this master's thesis I wanted to answer the following research questions: what do pupils in 5th grade of a primary school conceive of temperature and heat; does constructivist teaching help them understand these two terms better and more thoroughly; do pupils involved in constructivist teaching solve higher level questions easier and do they apply their newly gained knowledge to different situations; does constructivist teaching encourage pupils to further research of temperature and heat; do pupils through the process of constructivist teaching realize their prior understanding of temperature and heat is sometimes wrong; are pupils more satisfied with classes in which constructivist teaching is applied; and whether any differences can be seen between pupils involved in constructivist teaching and those taught traditionally. For my master's thesis we carried out a research. The research was based on the quantitative and qualitative research approach. The descriptive and the casual-quasi-experimental research method were used. This research included 38 pupils from 5th class of the selected suburban school. The pupils were divided in a control and experimental group. Pupils were aged from 10 to 11 years. They each individually solved a pre-test, which served us as a basis for evaluating their understanding of temperature and heat. The pre-test also helped us prepare school lessons. After the pre-test the control group was taught with traditional methods and the experimental group was taught according to principles of constructivist method. At the end of all lessons pupils from both groups were given tests for a regular assessment of their knowledge. A week after the discussion about temperature and heat was finished, the pupils included in our research individually solved the post-test (same as pre-test). At the end of research every pupils individually solved a survey questionnaire. Results of our research show that pupils form their own ideas and conclusions about temperature and heat, however, they are usually different from scientific ones (e.g. temperature is heat, heat is measured with a thermometer, a thermometer shows the temperature of the measured substance ...). It is shown that constructivist methods of teaching help pupils understand concepts of temperature and heat much better and more in-depth. Pupils involved in constructivist teaching are more successful at solving questions from a higher level, they are better with applying knowledge to new situations, they are also better with detecting their wrong ideas about temperature and heat, and they enjoy lessons more. The results, of the presented research cannot be generalized, however, they put forward guidelines for further research.

Keywords:constructivist teaching

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