
Prototip sistema za evidentiranje živine : diplomsko delo
ID Hafner, Andrej (Author), ID Rupnik, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6A4C2237BA1B8131D6279B75AF33AF02
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/5c9e09f2-61fe-4fd7-999e-03d6672d0749

Dostop do spleta je dandanes mogoč skorajda že od povsod, zato računalniška tehnologija vztrajno prodira tako rekoč na vsa področja. Izvzeta ni niti kmetijska panoga, ki v zadnjih letih vse bolj stremi k tehnološkem napredku in optimizaciji procesov. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljen razvoj prototipa Android in spletne aplikacije za pomoč evidentiranja živali na kmetijah. Sistem je namenjen predvsem manjšim kmetijam, ki bi aplikacijo uporabljale za vodenje lastne evidence. Prototip je ločen na Android in spletno aplikacijo ter aplikacijski strežnik, prek katerega sistem pridobi, obdela in shrani podatke, ki jih uporabljamo pri delu na terenu ali v pisarni. V prvem delu diplomske naloge so opisane uporabljene tehnologije, med njimi Java, Javascript, PHP, HTML, CSS, MySQL, SQLite in JSON, sledijo pa razvojna orodja, med katerimi najdemo Android Studio in DBDesigner. V glavnem delu sledi predstavitev poteka izdelave obeh aplikacij, in sicer od uporabe tehnologij pri izdelavi, uporabniških vmesnikov do arhitekture sistema, ki je bila zasnovana na podlagi uporabniških zahtev. V zadnjem delu so podana sklepna opažanja in možnosti nadgradnje ter izboljšav za narejeni prototip.

Keywords:Android, mobilne aplikacije, spletne aplikacije, evidentiranje živine
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
Publisher:[A. Hafner]
Number of pages:38, [4] str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72383 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1536505027 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Protoype of the system for lifestock registration
Access to the Internet is now possible almost from everywhere; therefore the computer technology is constantly advancing virtually to all areas. Even the agricultural sector is not exempted from this, which in recent years has been increasingly striving for technological progress and process optimization. The thesis describes the development of an Android prototype and a web application for the assistance of identifying animals on farms. The system is designed primarily for small farms, which could use the application for the management of their own records. The prototype is divided into the Android and Web application and the application server, through which the system acquires, processes and stores data, which is used at the site or work in the field or in the office. In the first part of the thesis the technology used are described, including Java, Javascript, PHP, HTML, CSS, MySQL, SQLite, and JSON, followed by development tools such as Android Studio and DBDesigner. The main part consists of the presentation of the two applications, from the technologies used in the production, user interfaces to the system architecture, which was designed on the basis of user requirements. The final section provides concluding observations and possibilities for upgrades and improvements of the prototype.

Keywords:Android, Web application, mobile application, livestock records

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