
Načrtovanje in optimizacija brezžičnega merilnega sistema z Wi-Fi modulom
ID RAŽMAN, ROK (Author), ID Trontelj, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: E997E94D17F49E01F6CA05B7E70315D4
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0421f61b-39dc-4f1c-81c5-3c6e67ef84ad

Namen tega dela je opisati načrtovanje in optimizacijo delovanja brezžičnega merilnega sistema, ki zajema mikrokrmnilnik, Wi-Fi modul in napajalno vezje, in je priključen na ciljni senzor. Umeščen bo v zelo omejen prostor in to predstavlja precejšno težavo z vidika načrtovanja. Vir napajanja je omrežna izmenična napetost, kar pomeni, da mora sistem vključevati majhen, a dovolj zmogljiv AC-DC pretvornik. Največji porabnik toka v sistemu je Wi-Fi modul. Vse omejitve morajo biti upoštevane in vse zahteve izpolnjene, da bo merilni sistem popolnoma funkcionalen. Prvi korak razvoja je bila izbira ustreznega Wi-Fi modula, sledilo mu je načrtovanje tiskanega vezja za mikrokrmilnik in napajalno vezje, zadnji korak je bila optimizacija napajanja. Rezultat večmesečnega truda je kompakten, delujoč brezžični merilni sistem, zmožen napajanja z omrežja in komunikacije z Wi-Fi kompatibilnimi napravami.

Keywords:merilni sistem, Wi-Fi, načrtovanje, optimizacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72344 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2015
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Title:Design and optimization of wireless measurement system with Wi-Fi module
The purpose of this thesis is to describe the designing and optimizing of the workings of a wireless measurement system, which consists of a microcontroller, a Wi-Fi module and a power circuit, and is connected to the target sensor. It will be placed in a severely restricted space which poses a significant problem for the planning. The alternating voltage from the power grid will be used as a power source, which calls for a compact yet powerful AC-DC converter to be included in the system. The biggest consumer of current in the system is the Wi-Fi module. All of the restrictions should be considered and all of the requirements met for the measuring system to be fully functional. The first step of the development has been the choosing of a suitable Wi-Fi module, followed by the planning of a printed circuit board for the microcontroller and the power circuit, with the optimization of the power supply being the final step. The result of this several-month-long labour is a compact, working wireless measurement system, capable of being powered from the power grid and communicating with the Wi-Fi compatible devices.

Keywords:measurement system, Wi-Fi, design, optimization

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