
Raziskujemo in ustvarjamo knjigo – participacija otrok v vrtcu
ID Jovanovska, Marjana (Author), ID Skubic, Darija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/2995/ This link opens in a new window

Otroci v vrtcu preživijo velik del dneva, tudi do 9 ur, zato se moramo vsakokrat vprašati, ali je vrtec res prostor, ki omogoča vnašanje otrokovih želja, potreb, mnenj, predvidevanj, pričakovanj in ki omogoča sodelovanje otrok pri načrtovanju ter organizaciji življenja in dela v tej vzgojno-izobraževalni ustanovi. Participacija, ki jo Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika (SSKJ, 2000) enači z udeležbo in sodelovanjem posameznikov, mora biti otroku prijazna, varna, nediskriminatorna in etična (Save the Children, 2003, v Rutar, 2013). Pomemben premik k drugačnemu pojmovanju otroštva in participacije otrok predstavlja Konvencija o otrokovih pravicah, ki je bila sprejeta leta 1989, saj jasno izraža udeležbo otrok in ne omenja samo dolžnosti, ki jih imajo odrasli do slednjih (Hart, 1990, v Batistič Zorec, 2009). Koncept participacije je zelo razvit in zavzema osrednje mesto na področju vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela v predšolskih ustanovah, ki delujejo pod okriljem pedagoškega koncepta Reggio Emilia, katerega utemeljitelj je Loris Malaguzzi. V tem pedagoškem konceptu je participacija uresničena s pedagogiko poslušanja in izražanja ter projektnim pristopom. V prvem delu diplomskega dela pišem o teoretičnih izhodiščih participacije in kako je slednja opredeljena v pomembnih dokumentih, kot sta Konvencija o otrokovih pravicah in Kurikulum za vrtce (1999). Dotaknem se tudi dveh raziskav, ki sta participacijo obravnavali na konkretnih primerih v vrtcih. V nadaljevanju posebno pozornost namenjam pedagoškemu konceptu Reggio Emilia, ker je participacija v njem predstavljena kot ena izmed osnovnih načel; podrobneje spregovorim o značilnostih omenjenega pedagoškega koncepta, pri čemer opozorim na pomen pedagogike poslušanja in izražanja ter projektni pristop (opisujem proces raziskovanja problema zaprtega tipa, ki sem ga uporabila pri izvedbi projekta, in proces reševanja problema odprtega tipa), ki spodbujata participacijo otrok v vrtcih Reggio Emilia. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena izvedba projekta Raziskujemo in ustvarjamo knjigo, znotraj katerega so s pomočjo raziskovanja problema zaprtega tipa imeli otroci možnost aktivnega učenja – izražali so svoje ideje, zamisli, domneve in s tem prevzemali večjo mero odgovornosti za lastno učenje.

Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72297 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10683977 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Exploring and creating a book – participation of children in preschool institution or in kindergarten
Children spend in kindergardens most of the day, even up to 9 hours, so we need to ask ourselves whether is kindergarden really the place, which allows the introduction od children's desires, needs, opinions, projections, expectations and enabling children's participation in the planning and organization of life and work in this educational institution. Participation by the Dictionary of Slovenian Literary Language (SSKJ, 2000) equated with the participation and collaboration of individuals, must be child-friendly, safe, non-discriminatory and ethical (Save the Children, 2003, in Rutar, 2013). A significant shift towards a different conception of childhood and children's participation represents Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was adopted in 1989, as it clearly reflects the participation of children and do not mention only the duties which they have grown to the latter (Hart, 1990, Batistič Zorec, 2009). The concept of participation is very developed and occupies a central place in the field of educational work in preschool institutions, which operate under the auspices of the pedagogical concept of Reggio Emilia, the founder of the Loris Malaguzzi. In this pedagogical concept participation is realized with the pedagogy of listening and expression and with the projected approach. In the first part of the diploma I will write about theoretical platform of the participation and how the latter is defined in the relevant documents such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Curriculum for kindergarten (1999). I will also touch two studies, which discussed participation in the specific cases in kindergartens. In the following I will pay special attention to the concept of Reggio Emilia, since participation in it is presented as one of the basic principles; I will speak in detail about the characteristics of said teaching concept, with attention to the importance of pedagogy of listening and expression, and project-based approach (describing process of researching the problem of closed type, which I used in the implementation of the project and the process of solving the problem of open type), which promote the participation of children in kindergartens Reggio Emilia. In the empirical part is presented the implementation of a project Researching and creating the book, in which, with the help of research problems, closed-type children had the possibility of active learning - express their ideas, concepts, assumptions, and thus take on greater responsibility for their own learning.


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