
Otroci, stari 5 - 6 let, si izdelajo knjigo : diplomska naloga
ID Rakar, Tamara (Author), ID Jaklin, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomska naloga je sestavljena iz dveh delov: teoretičnega in praktičnega. Poudarek naloge je na postopku izdelave sita in papirja. Narejen papir zvežemo v knjigo, ki jo sami opremimo tako, da vsak doda svojo risbo, opis le-te in svoj podpis. V teoretičnem delu sem pisala o razvojnih značilnostih otrok starih od 5 do 6 let. Nato sem opisala zgodovino papirja in knjige. Dalje pa sem pisala o papirju in knjigi, kot ju poznamo danes. Posebno pozornost sem namenila vplivu branja knjig na razvoj predšolskega otroka ter opisala kaj vse pravljice in slikanice nudijo otrokom. V praktičnem delu diplomske naloge pa sem zapisala, da smo sprva obiskali knjižnico, ki nam jo je knjižničarka razkazala. Tam smo spoznali, kakšna je sestava in zgradba knjige, njeno obliko, značilnosti. Izvedeli smo tudi, da poznamo več vrst knjig in kako moramo z knjigo pravilno ravnati. Nato sem opisala, kako so otroci z aktivnim sodelovanjem pri različnih dejavnostih, skozi tri postopke, ustvarili lastno knjigo. Otroci so v dejavnostih uživali in pridno sodelovali. S pomočjo vprašalnika sem ugotovila, koliko so otroci vedeli o knjigi in njeni izdelavi pred samo izvedbo dejavnosti in po izvedbi različnih dejavnosti. Rezultate sem predstavila s pomočjo grafov in v analizi.

Keywords:papir, ustvarjalnost, slikanica
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[T. Rakar]
Number of pages:VI f., 61 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72281 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10680393 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:The children beetwen ages 5-6, making their own book
This thesis is composed of two parts: theoretical and practical. The emphasis is on the manufacturing process of the sieve and the paper. We tie paper together, creating a book in a way that everyone adds its own drawing, a description of it, and its own signature. In the theoretical part I was writing about the developmental characteristics of children aged 5 to 6 years. I then described the history of paper and books. Next, I was writing about paper and the book as we know them today. I paid special attention to the influence of reading books on the development of a preschool child and describe what all fairy tales and picture books really offer our children. In the practical part of my thesis, I was writing about our visit to the library, and how it was presented to us by the librarian. We were taught about composition and structure of the book, its shape and its characteristics. We saw that here are several types of books in existence and the librarian also showed us the proper way to handle the book. Then I described how the children have, by active participation in various activities through three processes, create their own book. All the children were very happy to participate in the above mentioned activities, and their cooperation was great. I found out how much the children knew about creating a book before and after our activities using the questionnaire. My results are presented using graphs and in thorough analysis.


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