
Vpliv pogostosti organizirane gibalne vadbe na gibalno učinkovitost otrok
ID Kunstelj, Janja (Author), ID Gregorc, Jera (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/2981/ This link opens in a new window

Na otrokov razvoj medsebojno vplivajo okolje, dednost in lastna aktivnost. Razpršenost in moč različnih vplivov na razvoj je v popolnosti nemogoče zajeti. Poleg tega je v predšolskem obdobju razvoj celosten in neenakomerno integriran na socialnem, čustvenem, gibalnem, telesnem in kognitivnem področju, pri čemer sprememba na enem izmed področij vpliva tudi na preostala. Znotraj le-teh raziskovalci iščejo merske inštrumente, ki bi najbolj učinkovito vključevali ključne elemente otrokovega razvoja, da bi ga lahko merili. Najpogosteje zaključijo, da je v predšolskem obdobju kvalitativno postavljen merski inštrument natančnejši od kvantitativnega. V diplomskem delu smo raziskovali predvsem gibalno področje. Za potrebe raziskave smo uporabili kvalitativen merski inštrument za merjenje gibalne učinkovitosti. Ob upoštevanju medsebojnih integracij posameznih področij in z željo ugotoviti pomen organizirane in sistematično načrtovane gibalne dejavnosti smo raziskovali, ali količina oziroma pogostost organizirane in sistematične gibalne dejavnosti bistveno vpliva na hitrost gibalnega razvoja otrok. Vzorec raziskave je obsegal 60 otrok, starih med 5,5 in 6 let. Razporedili smo jih v skupine po 20, glede na to, kolikokrat tedensko obiskujejo organizirano gibalno dejavnost: Prva skupina otrok ni obiskovala organizirane gibalne dejavnosti, druga je bila vanjo vključena 1 do 2-krat tedensko in tretja 3- in večkrat tedensko. Otroke smo v roku pol leta testirali 2-krat, in sicer prvič decembra 2014 in drugič junija 2015. Testirali smo jih s testom MOT 4–6 (Zimmer in Volkamer), ki vsebuje 18 gibalnih nalog. Posamezna naloga se ocenjuje po trostopenjski lestvici (0, 1 ali 2), seštevek vseh nalog pa predstavlja gibalno učinkovitost otrok. Dobljene podatke smo obdelali s statističnim paketom SPSS – 20.0 Windows. Uporabili smo podprogram za računanje kompozitnih spremenljivk. Rezultate, ki smo jih dobili pri posamezni skupini, smo nato primerjali glede na odstotke odstopanja med seboj. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da ima vključenost otrok v organizirano gibalno vadbo pozitiven učinek na gibalno učinkovitost otrok. Pogosteje, kot so otroci obiskovali gibalne programe, boljši rezultat so dosegli. Ugotovili smo, da razlika med posameznimi skupinami ni tako velika, kot smo predpostavili. V razpravi smo navedli še nekaj ostalih dejavnosti in dejavnikov, ki bi lahko neposredno vplivali na sam izid testiranj.

Keywords:gibalna učinkovitost
Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72266 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10681161 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of frequence exercise to the children motor efficiency
Child’s development is mutually influenced by the environment, heredity and activities. It’s impossible to estimate the exact influence of these different factors. In the preschool phase the development is unequally distributed between social, emotional, physical and cognitive areas. A change in any of those affects also all the other. Within these areas the researches are searching for measurement instruments which would be most effective in including key elements of a child’s development so that they could measure it. Their conclusion usually is that in preschool phase the qualitative measurement instruments are more accurate than quantitative. In my thesis we researched mostly the physical area. For the purpose of this thesis we used a qualitative measurement instrument for measuring physical efficiency. The aim was to determine if the amount and the frequency of physical activities are influencing the speed of physical development of a child. The research involved 60 children aged between 5.5 and 6 years. We divided them in groups of 20, conditioning it with the amount of times they are taking part in organized physical activities. The first group did not attend any organized physical activities. The second group attended it 1-2 times per week and the third group 3 and more times. We tested the children twice in a six month period. First time in December 2014 and second in June 2015. We tested them using the MOT 4-6 (Zimmer in Volkamer), which is consisting of 18 physical exercises. Individual exercise is marked from 0-2, sum of all exercises represents the physical efficiency of the tested children. The acquired data we processed with a statistical packet SPSS-20.0 Windows. We used a subprogram for calculating composite variables and compared them. Analysis of the results showed that including the children into physical activities has a positive influence on the physical efficiency of the children. More often the children attended these activities the better score they achieved. We also discovered that the difference between groups was not as big as we have anticipated. In the debate we stated some other activities and factors that could have a direct influence on the outcome of testing.

Keywords:physical efficiency

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