
Izdelava spletne trgovine
ID VOJIČIĆ, TIM (Author), ID Fajfar, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 7C0BF14617C8E75DA4995B5FC39B7D81
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b0ac00be-aa71-42dd-9c85-6e5fa3b79d9a

Dandanes je za vsa podjetja ključna prisotnost na spletu. Predvsem podjetja, ki se ukvarjajo s prodajo izdelkov ali storitev, lahko s spletno stranjo dosežejo več strank in pospešijo prodajo. Najboljša izvedba spletne strani za taka podjetja je spletna trgovina, ki omogoči strankam ogled vseh izdelkov in nakup le-teh v kar najkrajšem možnem času. V tem diplomskem delu boste lahko spoznali postopek izdelave spletne trgovine, primerne za prodajo poljubnih izdelkov ali storitev nekega podjetja. Vsebina bo obsegala vse korake izdelave – od registracije domene in urejanja gostovanja do zadnjih popravkov oblike in funkcionalnosti same strani. Cilj diplomske naloge je prikaz izdelave na čimbolj preprost način z minimalnimi stroški – z uporabo odprtokodnih brezplačnih programov. To omogoči spletno prodajo tudi manjšim podjetjem ali samostojnim podjetnikom, ki si sicer ne morejo privoščiti profesionalne izdelave spletne trgovine. Postopek registracije domene in urejanja gostovanja bo opisan tako splošno, kot tudi na praktičnem primeru na lokalnem sistemu, ko svoj računalnik spremenimo v lokalni strežnik. Za samo spletno stran bomo uporabili urejevalnik vsebin Wordpress, ki nam močno olajša izdelavo dizajna in strukture spletne strani, kot tudi urejanje vsebine. Wordpress vmesnik bomo razširili z dodatkom spletne trgovine WooCommerce, ki omogoči dinamično vnašanje novih artiklov.

Keywords:spletna trgovina, wordpress, izdelava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72189 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Creating an Online Shop
Nowadays, it is crucial for all businesses to have an online presence. Especially companies that are engaged in the sale of products or services, can use their website to reach more customers and boost sales. The best kind of website for such companies is an online store that enables customers to see all the products and buy them without wasting time driving to the store. In this thesis you can learn about the creation process of an online store, suitable for sale of any products or services. The content will include everything from domain registration and hosting to costumizing the store design and functionality. The goal of this thesis is to show how to create a web store in the most simple manner with minimum costs - with the use of free open source programs. This enables smaller companies who can not afford a professional web store to sell online as well. The process of domain registration and hosting will be described as general, as well as a practical example on the local system when your PC is transformed into a local server. For the site itself we will use the Wordpress content management system (CMS), which speeds up the design and creation of the site. The Wordpress CMS will be expanded further by adding a plugin called WooCommerce, which enables us to turn the Wordpress website into a web store.

Keywords:web store, wordpress, e-commerce

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