
Razvoj aplikacij za nadzor, analizo in prikaz podatkov merilnih naprav v programskem okolju LabVIEW
ID BELINGAR, BOŽIDAR (Author), ID Jankovec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 1C522882DA8C714149F56593CE54FD08
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/4b39967f-0827-4fe5-b2c8-28a954e0d6a0

V sklopu diplomskega dela smo izdelali dva računalniška programa in sicer v programskem okolju LabVIEW. Okolje z uporabo grafičnega programiranja nudi bogat nabor v naprej izdelanih programskih sklopov za izvedbo vseh vrst komunikacijskih protokolov, matematične analize, logičnih operacij ter različne oblike interpretacij merilnih, regulacijskih ter drugih informacijskih rezultatov. Prvi program omogoča komunikacijo z brezžičnimi ter žičnimi merilniki podjetja Data Merilni Sistemi, d.o.o Golnik. Program obsega več segmentov, ki so med seboj povezani v celovit sistem. Z njim lahko opazujemo trenutne vrednosti, ki jih pošilja posamezen merilnik, nastavljamo ter popravljamo parametre za različne tipe merilnikov, jih uvozimo ali izvozimo v datoteko. Program deluje skupaj s komunikacijskim adapterjem USB Komunikator. Drugi program služi grafični in numerični interpretaciji meritev. V programu lahko hkrati prikažemo neomejeno število diagramov ter jih po želji izvozimo v Microsoft Excel ali pa sliko natisnemo. Program podpira enostavno povečavo ter premikanje po diagramu. Programa sta pripravljena na način, ki omogoča skupno ali pa ločeno uporabo programov. Tako je zagotovljena boljša uporabniška izkušnja, saj ni potrebno nameščati vsakega programa posebej. V diplomskem delu je opisana uporabljena strojna oprema in programsko okolje, sama logika programiranja ter predstavitev delovanja.

Keywords:LabVIEW, brezžična komunikacija, data logger, čelna plošča, bločni diagram, izris grafa
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72142 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Development of applications for monitoring of measurement devices, data analysis and display using programming environment LabVIEW
For the purpose of this thesis we developed two computer programs in the programming environment LabVIEW. Combined with use of graphical programming it provides a rich series of pre developed programming blocks for implementation of communication protocols, mathematical analysis, logical operations and various interpretations of measurement, regulation and other information results. The first program establishes communication with wireless and wired measurement instruments of the company Data Merilni Sistemi, D.o.o Golnik. It consists of multiple segments, which are connected and form a complete system. With it we can observe current measurement values, set and change parameters for different types of instruments, which can then be imported or exported in a file. The program works together with a communication adapter USB Komunikator. The purpose of the second program is graphical and numerical interpretation of measurements. With this program we can display unlimited number of diagrams and export them to Microsoft Excel or print the image. It enables simple zooming and moving through the diagram. Both programs are developed in a way that allows the programs to be used separately or combined. Consequently this gives a better user experience, because there is no need to install both programs separately. This thesis describes the hardware, which was used, programing environment, functioning and logic of described programs.

Keywords:LabVIEW, wireless communication, data logger, draw plot, front panel, block diagram

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