
Prepoznavanje vlog in funkcij gozda v izbranih odlomkih Slave vojvodine Kranjske pri devetošolcih : magistrsko delo
ID Hrast, Špela (Author), ID Torkar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/2955 This link opens in a new window

V Sloveniji gozd prekriva več kot polovico ozemlja in zato lahko rečemo, da je naš najpomembnejši ekosistem. Z njim povezujemo veliko število vlog in funkcij, ki pa se med seboj lahko tudi omejujejo in izključujejo. Zato je znanje o tem ekosistemu, predvsem pa prepoznavanje in poznavanje vlog in funkcij gozda, pomemben element, ki omogoča trajnostno gospodarjenje. V prvem delu magistrskega dela smo analizirali Valvasorjevo prepoznavanje vlog in funkcij gozda preko vsebinske analize II., III. in IV. knjige Slave vojvodine Kranjske. Pri tem smo ugotovili, da lahko v njej prepoznamo enajst od sedemnajstih različnih funkcij gozda, ki jih določa Zakon o gozdovih (1993). Te prepoznane funkcije lahko uvrstimo tako med proizvodne, ekološke kot socialne funkcije gozda, kar priča o avtorjevem širokem dojemanju gozdov, ki pa ga zaradi intelektualnega izstopanja Valvasorja iz takratnega okolja, ne moremo izenačiti z dojemanjem gozda takratne družbe v drugi polovici 17. stoletja. Valvasorju lahko pripišemo tudi dobro prepoznavanje vrstne pestrosti gozdov Kranjske. V analiziranih knjigah lahko prepoznamo 25 različnih vrst lesnatih rastlin, ki jih avtor omenja v različnih kontekstih. Pri tem so najpogosteje omenjene lesnate rastline bukev, smreka, hrast, kostanj in jelka. Valvasor omenja v povezavi z gozdom tudi 78 različnih vrst ali skupin živali, ki jih lahko razdelimo v razrede pajkovcev, žuželk, polžev, sesalcev, ptičev, plazilcev in dvoživk. Zaradi Valvasorjevega omenjanja črvov smo oblikovali tudi skupino črvov, ki sicer ni taksonomska kategorija. Pri tem smo glede na pogostost omemb posameznih vrst ali skupin živali sklepali, da Valvasor nevretenčarjem pripisuje manjšo pomembnost kot vretenčarjem. Prav tako smo zaključili, da Valvasorju niso enako pomembni vsi vretenčarji, vendar predvsem ptice in sesalci, ki jih lahko povezujemo z lovom ali lepim petjem. V drugem delu magistrskega dela smo na podlagi izbranih odlomkov iz II., III. in IV. knjige Slave vojvodine Kranjske oblikovali učno uro, ki temelji na sodelovalnem učenju in lahko preko nje ugotovimo poimenovanje, prepoznavanje in pomembnost posameznih vlog in funkcij gozda za učence. To učno uro smo izvedli v dveh razredih devetošolcev iz severozahodnega dela Slovenije in preko vsebinske analize izdelkov učencev in skupinskih intervjujev ugotovili, da učenci iz izbranih odlomkov prepoznajo funkcije gozdov, ki v njih prevladujejo. Večina skupin je prepoznane funkcije nato razdelila v dve širši kategoriji. Pri tem je ena kategorija najpogosteje predstavlja funkcije gozda v povezavi s človekom, druga kategorija pa je vsebovala funkcije, ki niso odvisne od človeka. Učenci so kot najpomembnejši prepoznani funkciji gozda opredelili tvorbo kisika in funkcijo življenjskega prostora živali, najmanj pomembne pa se jim zdijo rekreacijska funkcija, turistična funkcija, estetska funkcija in funkcijo tvorbe sence. Kljub temu da so učenci prepoznavali prevladujoče funkcije gozdov iz izbranih odlomkov Slave vojvodine Kranjske, lahko rečemo, da slabo poznajo vloge in funkcije gozdov, saj je posamezna skupina učencev pri učni uri prepoznala samo eno, dve ali tri dodatne funkcije gozda. Prav tako je na koncu ure več kot polovica učencev zapisala, da so pred tem mislili, da gozd ni tako pomemben in/ali nima toliko različnih vlog in funkcij. Zato predlagamo, da vloge in funkcije gozda predstavljajo učno vsebino v vseh slovenskih osnovnih šolah. Glede na to, da so gozdni ekosistemi najpogostejši ekosistemi v naši okolici, slovenski učenci še posebej potrebujejo poglobljeno znanje o gozdnih ekosistemih in povezavi med njimi in njihovim življenjem. Omejeno prepoznavanje funkcij in vlog gozda državljanov lahko vodi k netrajnostnemu odločanju na področju upravljanja z gozdovi. Tukaj ima šola z možnostjo vpliva na oblikovanje ekološko pismenih državljanov pomemben mehanizem, da to prepreči.

Keywords:gozd, ekološka pismenost, funkcije gozda, Slava vojvodine Kranjske
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[Š. Svetičič]
Number of pages:85 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72114 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10648137 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Recognizing the roles and functions of forest in the selected excerpts from Slava vojvodine Kranjske among year 9 Primary school students.
More than half of Slovenian territory is covered by forests, and we can therefore say that the forest is our most important ecosystem. It is connected with numerous roles and functions, that can, however, limit and exclude one another. That is why knowledge about this ecosystem, and especially the identification and understanding of the roles and functions of the forest, is an important element that enables sustainable management. In the first part of the master thesis we have analyzed Valvasor’s identification of roles and functions of the forest through content analysis of the second, third and fourth book of Slava Vojvodine Kranjske. In doing so, we have discovered that we can recognize eleven of the seventeen different functions of the forest that the Law on Forests (1993) defines. These identified functions can be classified among production, ecological, as well as social functions of the forest, which shows the author’s broader perception of the forest. However, because of Valvasor’s exceptional intellect for that time, we cannot equate his perception to the perception of the rest of the population in the second half of the 17th century. Valvasor can also be praised for his exceptional identification of the diversity of Carniola forests. In the analyzed books we can identify 25 different species of woody plants, which the author mentions in various contexts. The most frequently mentioned woody plants are beech, pine, oak, chestnut and fir. In connection to the forest Valvasor also mentions 78 different species or groups of animals, that can be sorted into classes of arachnids, insects, snails, mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Because of Valvasor’s mention of worms, we also formed a group of worms, that otherwise isn’t a taxonomic category. Based on the frequency of the different animal classes being mentioned we gathered, that Valvasor gives less importance to invertebrates than vertebrates. We have also concluded, that Valvasor does not think all vertebrates are important, assigning more importance to birds and animals, who we can connect with hunting or beautiful singing. In the second part of the master thesis we have formed a lesson with the help of selected excerpts from the second, third and fourth book of Slava vojvodine Kranjske. The lesson is based on collaborative learning and through it, we can indentify the description, identification and importance of individual roles and functions of the forest for the students. This lesson was conducted in two classes of ninth grade students from the northwestern region of Slovenia. Through the content analysis of the student’s projects and group interviews we have discovered that students identify the dominantly present functions of forest appearing in the selected excerpts. The majority of the groups divided the identified functions into two broader categories. One of the categories usually presented the functions of the forest in connection to humans, while the other category included functions that were not human dependent. The groups of students identified the forming of oxygen and the provision of a habitat for animals as the two most important functions of the forest. They identified the recreational function, the touristic function, the aesthetic function, and the function of shadow forming as the least important functions. Despite the fact that the students recognized the dominant functions of the forests from the selected excerpts, we can say that their knowledge of the functions and roles of the forest is poor. Each individual group only identified one, two or three additional functions of the forest. At the end of the lesson more than half of the students wrote down, that they have previously thought little of the importance of the forest and/or were not aware of so much of its functions and roles. That is why we suggest that the roles and functions of the forest are included into the teaching content of all Slovenian primary schools. Given the fact that forest ecosystems are the most frequent ecosystem in our surroundings, the Slovenian students especially need an in-depth knowledge of the forest ecosystems and connection between them and their life. The limited recognition of the functions and roles of the forest in the eyes of the population could lead to unsustainable decisions regarding forest management. In this case, the school has an opportunity to influence and form ecologically literate citizens and prevent this threat.

Keywords:ecological literacy

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