
Znanje in odnos osnovnošolcev do narave in naravne dediščine v Kozjanskem parku, Slovenija : magistrsko delo
ID Valenčak, Sanja (Author), ID Torkar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/2956 This link opens in a new window

Ena izmed ključnih nalog zaposlenih v Kozjanskem parku je izobraževanje učencev, dijakov, študentov in odraslih ter spodbujanje raziskovanja v duhu varstva narave, zlasti ohranjanja biotske raznovrstnosti ter varstva naravnih vrednot. Učenci, predvsem okoliških šol, raziskujejo domače okolje, pridobivajo nova spoznanja, pri samem izobraževanju pa se aktivno vključujejo in pridobivajo lastne izkušnje. V Kozjanskem parku so se z mladimi začeli načrtno ukvarjati v obliki naravoslovnih in kulturnih dni, poletnih taborov, tehničnih in tematskih dni, različnih vrst delavnic ter učnih poti. Magistrsko delo obravnava predlagane aktivnosti v organizaciji Kozjanskega parka pri naravovarstveni vzgoji in izobraževanju osnovnošolcev šestih osnovnih šol, ki se nahajajo na območju parka. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljena naravna dediščina (naravne vrednote), zgodovina Kozjanskega regijskega parka, njegov geografski oris, naravna in kulturna dediščina ter neformalni vzgojno-izobraževalni programi in aktivnosti v Kozjanskem parku, ki so namenjene učencem na vseh stopnjah izobraževanja in tudi drugim obiskovalcem. Predstavljen je pomen zavarovanih območij v vzgojno-izobraževalnih procesih ter določene komponente aktivnega učenja in poučevanja. Podatki za empirični del raziskave so bili zbrani s pomočjo intervjujev strokovnih delavcev Kozjanskega parka, učiteljic osnovnih šol, anketnih vprašalnikov in preizkusov znanja za učence ter učnih načrtov obveznih predmetov osnovne šole. Ugotavljam, da se pojavljajo razlike v znanju in odnosu do narave in naravne dediščine Kozjanskega regijskega parka med učenci različnih starostnih skupin. Ugotavljam tudi, da obstaja pozitivna povezanost med znanjem učencev in njihovim splošnim učnim uspehom ter uspehom pri biologiji in naravoslovju. Povezanost pa ne obstaja med odnosom učencev do narave in naravne dediščine Kozjanskega parka glede na učenčev splošni učni uspeh in uspeh pri biologiji in naravoslovju. Prepoznavam tudi, da odnos učencev do biologije kot šolskega predmeta ni povezan z njihovim splošnim učnim uspehom in uspehom pri biologiji in naravoslovju. Iz učnih načrtov posameznih predmetov osnovne šole je moč razbrati veliko zastopanost vsebin in operativnih učnih ciljev na področju varstva narave, zavarovanih območij, parkov ter naravne in kulturne dediščine. Največ operativnih ciljev na teh področjih učenci dosežejo pri pouku biologije, geografije in naravoslovja.

Keywords:neformalno izobraževanje, učni načrt, kulturna dediščina
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[S. Valenčak]
Number of pages:81 str., [7] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-72085 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10654537 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.08.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Student´s knowledge and attitudes toward nature and natural heritage in Kozjansko park, Slovenia
One of the key tasks of the Kozjanski Park employees is to educate pupils, students and adults, to encourage nature protection with the emphasis on maintaining biodiversity and protecting valuable natural features. Pupils, mostly from schools in the surrounding area, explore their local environment, their existent knowledge, reach new discoveries, and are actively involved in the educational process in which they gain personal experience. Work with the young in Kozjanski park is organised in the form of days out in nature, culture days, summer camps, theme days, different workshops and learning paths. The master's thesis discusses the proposed activites organised by Kozjanski Park in view of nature protection education of the pupils of six primary schools located in the park area. The theoretical part presents the natural heritage (valuable natural features), the history of Kozjanski Park, its geographical features, natural and cultural heritage and the informal educational programmes and activities in Kozjanski Park that are intended for students on all levels of education and other visitors. It also presents the importance of protected areas in educational processes and some components of active studying and teaching. The information for the empirical part of the research were gathered through interviews with the Kozjanski Park employees, primary school teachers, pupil questionnaires and tests and the curricula of the compulsory subjects of elementary school. I conclude that there are differences in knowledge and attitude to nature and natural heritage of Kozjanski Park among students of different age groups. I also conclude that there is a positive correlation between the knowledge of students and their overall shool performance and grades in biology and science. On the other hand, there is no correlation between students' attitude to nature and the natural heritage of Kozjanski Park according to students' overall school preformance and grades in biology and science. I also recognize that students' attitude to biology as a school subject is not related with students' overall school performance and grades in biology and science. There is a significant representation of contents and operational educational objectives in the areas of nature protection, protected areas, parks and natural and cultural heritage in the curricula of some primary school subjects. Most of these operational objectives are met by pupils in biology, geography and science classes.

Keywords:Kozjanski Regional Park

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