
Razvijanje pojmov pri otrocih z gluhoslepoto s pomočjo sistema koledarja : magistrsko delo
ID Krajnc, Alisa (Author), ID Runjić, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žolgar, Ingrid (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/2942 This link opens in a new window

V magistrskem delu je obravnavana problematika otrok z gluhoslepoto, pri katerih se posledice kombinacije delne ali popolne izgube vida in sluha od rojstva ali v ranem otroštvu kažejo na vseh razvojnih področjih, tudi pri razvoju pojmov. V primerjavi z otroki s tipičnim razvojem, ki usvajajo nove pojme prek opazovanja in posnemanja, je treba te pri otrocih z gluhoslepoto razvijati načrtno, sistematično in z metodami, ki so v skladu z njihovimi zmožnostmi in specifičnimi potrebami. Po pregledu literature je bilo ugotovljeno, da se v ta namen pogosto uporablja sistem koledarja, katerega pozitivni učinki se kažejo tudi na drugih področjih otrokovega razvoja. V magistrskem delu sta prikazana izdelava individualiziranega sistema koledarja za učenko z gluhoslepoto in vpliv njegove uporabe na učenkin pojmovni razvoj, razvoj veščin samozagovorništva ter socialno-emocionalnega področja. V raziskavo so bili vključeni še učenkina mati, razredničarka in drugi strokovnjaki, ki so z učenko v vsakodnevni interakciji. V okviru raziskave se je s kvalitativnim raziskovalnim pristopom proučevala singularna študija primera. Tehnike zbiranja podatkov so potekale v treh časovno različno izvedenih fazah. Rezultat prve faze raziskovanja je celostna ocena učenkinega funkcioniranja in njenega učnega okolja. Rezultati druge faze raziskovanja zajemajo izbiro, načrt, izdelavo in rutino uporabe sistema koledarja. Kot rezultat tretje faze raziskovanja je prikazana evalvacija uporabe sistema koledarja. Skozi večmesečno delo z učenko z gluhoslepoto in na osnovi analize vseh pridobljenih podatkov je bilo ugotovljeno, da je uporaba sistema koledarja pozitivno vplivala na učenkin pojmovni razvoj, razvoj veščin samozagovorništva in socialno-emocionalnega področja.

Keywords:gluhoslepota, razvoj pojmov, sistem koledarja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[A. Krajnc]
Number of pages:77 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-71879 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10642761 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Developing concepts in children with deafblindness through a calendar system
This master's thesis deals with issues concerning children with deafblindness, whose complete or partial loss of vision or hearing from birth or early childhood impacts all developmental areas, including the area of development of concepts. Compared with children with typical development, who acquire new concepts through observation and imitation, in children with deafblindness these need to be developed in a planned and systematic manner that is in accordance with their abilities and specific needs. Review of literature on the field reveals frequent use of the calendar system, which has many positive effect also on other areas of child’s development. The master’s thesis demonstrates the creation of an individualized calendar system for a student with deafblindness and the influence of its use on student’s conceptual development, her self-advocacy skills and her social-emotional development. The study also involved student’s mother, the class teacher and other professionals who interact with the student daily. The research uses the qualitative study approach examining a singular case study. The techniques of data collection took place in three stages, conducted at different times. The result of the first phase of the study is a comprehensive assessment of student’s functioning and her learning environment. The results of the second phase of the study include the selection, design, construction and routine use of the calendar system. The third phase of research shows the evaluation of use of the calendar system. Several months of work with the student with deafblindness, combined with the analysis of all data obtained, show that the use of the calendar system had a positive impact on student’s conceptual development, self-advocacy skills and social-emotional development.


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