
Knjiga ali tablični računalnik kot sredstvo spodbujanja otrokovega govornega razvoja : diplomsko delo
ID Jamnikar, Nina (Author), ID Skubic, Darija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Predšolsko obdobje predstavlja najpomembnejše obdobje za celostni razvoj otroka, še zlasti za razvoj govora. Pri tem imajo pomembno vlogo odrasli ter vzgojitelji, ki s pomočjo branja spodbujajo razvoj otrokovega govora, ga seznanjajo s pisnim jezikom, ki kasneje vpliva na razvoj njegovih bralnih spretnosti, vse skupaj pa odločilno vpliva na razvoj pismenosti pri otrocih. Pomagamo si lahko s primerno knjigo, revijo ali pa posežemo po sodobni tehnologiji, kot je tablični računalnik in tako otrokom predstavimo primerno besedilo. Diplomsko delo z naslovom Knjiga ali tablični računalnik kot sredstvo spodbujanja otrokovega govornega razvoja je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelila pojem govor, opisala razvoj govora v povezavi z mišljenjem ter predstavila mejnike v govornem razvoju in dejavnike, ki nanj vplivajo. Predstavila sem tudi pomen knjige in branja za predšolske otroke, pomen informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije ter ju primerjala. Izpostavila sem še prednosti in slabosti tabličnega računalnika oziroma e-knjige. V empiričnem delu sem s pomočjo opazovanja izvedla raziskavo, v kateri sem želela ugotoviti, s katerim sredstvom bolj spodbudimo govor pri otrocih: s knjigo ali s tabličnim računalnikom? Raziskavo sem izvedla v vrtcu Velenje, Enoti Sonček, otroci pa so bili stari 2–5 let. V empiričnem delu sem prikazala, katero sredstvo je učinkoviteje in kje so prednosti ter slabosti posameznega sredstva. Raziskava je pokazala, da so otroci pokazali več zanimanja za tablični računalnik, vendar pa so si pri obeh sredstvih približno enako zapomnili besedilo zgodbe. Iz dejavnosti lahko sklepam, da so otroci usvojili nekoliko več besedišča in pokazali več domišljijske rabe jezika s pomočjo tabličnega računalnika kot s knjigo, a razlike niso velike.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[N. Jamnikar]
Number of pages:43 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-71867 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10637385 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Book or Tablet PC as a means of promoting children's language development
Pre-school period is the most important period for holistic child development, especially for speech development. They have an important role adults and educators who with the help of reading encourage the development of a child's speech, the pairing of the written language, which later affects the development of their reading skills, all together a decisive influence on the development of literacy in children. We can help with appropriate book, magazine or seize on modern technology, such as the Tablet PC and so children present the appropriate wording. The thesis titled with Book or Tablet PC as a means of promoting children's language development is comprised of theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part I defined the concept of speech, I described the development of speech in connection with the thinking, I presented the milestones in language development and the factors who influencing it. I presented the importance of books and reading to preschool children, the importance of information and communication technologies, and compared them. I have highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of Tablet PC or e-book. In the empirical part I'm using observation conducted a research in which I wanted to find out which assets more encourage speech in children: with book or a Tablet PC? The research I conducted in kindergarten Velenje, Unit Sonček, children aged 2-5 years. In the empirical part I show, which asset it is more efficient and where the strengths and weaknesses of individual assets. Research has shown that children showed more interest in the Tablet PC. Definitely, they are both about the same assets they remember the words of the story. Through activities I can conclude that the children assimilated a little more vocabulary and showed more imaginative use of language by using the Tablet PC, but the differences are not large.


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