
Permakulturni vrt v vrtcu : prostor učenja in oblikovanja pozitivnega odnosa do rastlinske hrane
ID Tanko, Mateja (Author), ID Kos, Marjanca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/2824 This link opens in a new window

V času visokega razvoja tehnologije in pridelave hrane v velikih količinah, v čim krajšem času in z najmanjšimi stroški se ljudje počasi ponovno vračamo k naravi in čim večji samooskrbi. To je zdaj že razkošje v hitrem tempu življenja in preobremenjenosti v sodobni družini. V svojem diplomskem delu sem želela približati pomen samooskrbe in poznavanje pridelave rastlinske hrane. Otroci v današnjem času nimajo veliko možnosti za stik s pridelavo hrane, znanje o tem pa je življenjsko pomembno. Z otroki smo obdelovali permakulturni zelenjavni vrt ter spremljali proces od priprave vrta do pridelka in predelave hrane. Pri permakulturnem vrtu upoštevamo naslednja glavna načela: sajenje mešanih kultur, kompostiranje, naravno gnojenje, zastiranje, naravne načine odstranjevanja in zaščite pred škodljivci. S takim vrtom otroci spoznavajo, da lahko hrano pridelujejo na do narave prijazen način. Z raziskavo sem ugotavljala predhodno znanje, izkušnje in odnos otrok do rastlinske hrane, kako lahko vrtnarjenje v vrtcu vpliva na znanje otrok o izvoru rastlinske hrane in na njihov odnos do nje ter kako lahko vrt v vrtcu izkoristimo tudi za spodbujanje razvoja na drugih področjih dejavnosti. Podatki so bili zbrani z individualnimi intervjuji otrok, anketnim vprašalnikom za starše in z dokumentiranjem celotnega procesa. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da vrtnarjenje v vrtcu spodbuja celostni razvoj otrok. Napredek se kaže v pozitivnem odnosu do rastlinske hrane in njenem uživanju, ker so otroci spoznali, da so izvor hrane živa bitja. Napredovali so v poznavanju posameznih kulturnih rastlin in njihovih lastnosti, načinu ekološke pridelave in v vplivu tega na kakovost pridelka. Dejavnosti v vrtu so jim omogočale napredek tudi na področjih gibanja, družbe, umetnosti, jezika in matematike. Otroci so ob aktivnem učenju pridobivali tudi delovne navade. Odziv otrok in staršev je bil zelo pozitiven in navdihujoč tudi za moje nadaljnje delo z otroki na področju narave.

Keywords:začetno naravoslovje, izkušenjsko učenje, terapija s psi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[M. Tanko]
Number of pages:VII, 51 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-70794 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10559305 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Permaculture garden in kindergarten: a place where children learn and develope a positive attitude towards plant food
In these high tech times and times of mass food production, where the predominant demand is to get food as quickly and as cheaply as possible, we are slowly going back to nature and to being self-sufficient. Which is already a luxury in the modern pace of life and the difficult pressures we are sometimes exposed to. In this undergraduate thesis I wanted to explore the meaning of self-sufficiency and deepen the knowledge of plant-based food. Children in this day and age do not have a lot of opportunities to to see and experience first hand how food is grown and this knowledge can be of vital importance. We worked on a permaculture garden with children in day care and observed the entire food production process from the crop until food preparation. With permaculture gardening the following main principles are taken into consideration: planting different cultures, composting, organic gardening, mulching and natural methods of exterminating and protection against vermin. With this type of a garden the children have the opportunity to get to know how food can be grown in a nature-friendly way. By conducting a short study I attempted to research existing knowledge, prior experience and attitude towards plant-based food, how gardening in pre-school influences the knowledge children have with regard to the origin of plant based food and the attitude towards it and how getting children involved with a pre-school garden can be used to to encourage child development in other areas as well. Data was gathered using individual interviews with children, a survey for the parents and by documenting the entire growing process. The results of my study have shown that gardening helps to develop the entire child. A progress is seen in establishing a positive attitude towards plant-based food and the enjoyment of it, as the children have come to realize the origin of their food are once living organisms. Progress has also been shown in the knowledge of different plants and their qualities, organic way of farming and the influence this has on the quality of the crops. Garden activities have also helped children develop work habits. The response from children and parents alike has been extremely positive and has inspired me to pursue working with children in this area.

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