
Dejavniki in okoliščine discipliniranja otrok v vrtcu : diplomsko delo
ID Bohinc, Milena (Author), ID Polak, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/2817 This link opens in a new window

Na discipliniranje otrok vplivajo številni dejavniki. Za izbiro ustreznega pristopa discipliniranja moramo dobro poznati otroka. V srednjem veku je veljala miselnost, da se otrok že rodi pokvarjen in lahko le s strogo disciplino v njem zatremo pregrešne nagone. V tistih časih je bil otrok v primerjavi z odraslim obravnavan kot manjvreden. Od takrat torej izvira enačenje discipliniranja s kaznovanjem, čeprav je uporaba teh dveh pojmov kot sinonimov napačna. Ker kaznovanje pomeni nekaj negativnega, se tak predznak pripisuje tudi disciplini, vendar disciplina nima vselej negativnega predznaka. Negativno konotacijo ima disciplina takrat, ko se vzpostavlja na osnovi sistema kaznovanja, pozitivno pa takrat, ko spodbuja razvoj odgovornosti in samokontrole ter je njen cilj samodisciplina. Poznavanje razlik med temi osnovnimi pojmi lahko pomaga strokovnim delavcem v vrtcu pri boljšem delu v skupini, saj je ustrezna disciplina pogoj in osnova za uspešno delo v vrtcu. V svojem diplomskem delu različne pristope k discipliniranju otrok raziskujem s pomočjo znanstvenih teorij. Teorija klasičnega pogojevanja razlaga, da je dobro uporabiti namig, še preden nastane konflikt (npr. določena pesem, zvok zvončka). Tako pripravimo situacije za vedenje, ki ga želimo doseči pri otroku ob določenem času, in je ustreznejši način kot popravljanje vedenja po tem, ko se je to že pojavilo. Za učenje primernega vedenja je z vidika operativnega pogojevanja bistvena podkrepitev. V vedenje se utrdijo tiste reakcije, ki so imele pozitivne posledice oz. so bile deležne pozitivne podkrepitve, npr. nasmeh, pozornost, pohvala ipd. Z vidika socialnega učenja pa je primeren zgled odraslih, kar predpostavlja, da se otroci ne učijo le na osnovi lastnih izkušenj, temveč predvsem iz opazovanja vedenja in njihovih posledic pri drugih ljudeh. V empiričnem delu diplome sem s ugotavljala, kako se z discipliniranjem otrok soočajo vzgojiteljice (N = 48) in pomočnice vzgojiteljice (N = 52) z različno delovno dobo v vrtcu. Pri raziskavi, opravljeni s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, razdeljenega med strokovne delavce treh slovenskih vrtcev, me je predvsem zanimalo, kakšno mnenje imajo strokovni delavci o discipliniranju otrok v vrtcu in kako pogosto uporabljajo določene pristope discipliniranja pri delu z otroki. Analiza rezultatov potrjuje, da je discipliniranje v vrtcu pomembno in da so strokovni delavci vrtca z njim dnevno soočeni. Kljub vsemu se kažejo nekatere razlike v mnenju strokovnih delavcev o discipliniranju otrok glede na delovno mesto in delovno dobo. Kažejo se tudi razlike v pogostosti določenega ravnanja pri delu z otroki glede na delovno mesto in delovne izkušnje strokovnih delavcev.

Keywords:discipliniranje, postavljanje meja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[M. Bohinc]
Number of pages:64 str, [14] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-70782 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10554185 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Factors and circumstances of disciplining children in kindergarten
Discipline is influenced by many factors. To select the appropriate disciplinary approach, we need to know the child very well. In the Middle Ages it was considered, that a child is born defective, and its sinful instincts can be suppressed only with strict discipline. In those days the child was regarded inferior compared to adults. Since then, discipline has been equated with punishment, but the use of these two terms as synonymous is incorrect. As punishment means something negative, such connotation can be attributed to the discipline as well, however, discipline doesn`t always have a negative connotation. Discipline is considered negative when it's established on the basis of the system of punishment. We mark discipline as positive when it promotes the development of responsibility and self-control, and its objective is self-discipline. Knowing the difference between the basic concepts can help professionals to work better in a kindergarten, as appropriate discipline is the basis for a successful working environment. The child is still developing, so it's necessary to know its stage of development for an appropriate approach to a particular situation. In my thesis I'm researching the approach to disciplining, using scientific theories, which discuss the appropriate approach of disciplining. The theory of classical conditionality defends the use of a hint before the conflict occurs (eg. a certain song, the sound of a bell). By doing that, we prepare situations, for achieving the behavior, that we wish for a child to have at a specific time. That is also more suitable, than correcting the behavior after it has already occurred. To learn appropriate behavior in terms of operational preconditions, the support is essential. Reactions which had a positive impact or have received positive corroboration, imprint in the child's behavior the most. For example: smile, attention, approval etc. From the perspective of social learning, adults set a proper example, which presumes that children learn not only based on their own experience, but rather from the observation of other people`s behavior. Within the empirical research I'm noticing how the educators (N = 48) and assistant educators (N = 52) in kindergarten with different seniority are establishing discipline. In a study, conducted with the help of a questionnaire, filled out by practitioners in three Slovenian kindergartens, I am particularly interested in educator's and assistant educator's opinions about disciplining children in kindergartens, and in the frequency of using different approaches, when working with children. Analysis of the results confirms that the discipline in a kindergarten is crucial and that the practitioners in kindergarten are confronted with it daily. Nevertheless, there are some differences in opinions among professionals about disciplining children depending on the job and seniority. Some differences are shown in the frequency of certain practices of work with children, regarding the workplace and work experience of practitioners.

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