
Etanol, ocetna in mlečna kislina kot ključni dražljaji za predelavo hrane v čebelji družini : diplomsko delo
ID Puhalić, Nada (Author), ID Božič, Janko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/2775 This link opens in a new window

Temperatura in vlažnost v panju predstavljata optimalne pogoje za rast in razvoj mikroorganizmov, ki pri pridobivanju energije v procesu fermentacije iz sladkorjev v medu in cvetnem prahu, proizvajajo različne metabolite, med katerimi so etanol, ocetna in mlečna kislina. V prvem delu naše raziskave smo želeli ugotoviti, katere koncentracije ocetne in mlečne kisline čebele pijejo ter ali so sposobne na podlagi asociativnega učenja s pomočjo refleksa iztegovanja jezička med seboj razlikovati raztopine etanola, ocetne in mlečne kisline. Čebele so raje pile nižje koncentracije raztopin ocetne in mlečne kisline. Učenje se je izkazalo za neuspešno, saj čebele niso bile sposobne povezati pogojnega dražljaja z nepogojnim, pri čemer je bil pogojni dražljaj etanol oz. določena organska kislina v raztopini. V drugem delu eksperimenta smo raziskali vlogo naših testnih snovi pri predelavi medu v panju. Celice satja z etanolno raztopino so čebele odpirale, tiste z ocetno in mlečno kislino pa zapirale. Več zapiranja je bilo zabeleženo pri satnih celicah z raztopino ocetne kisline. Dokazali smo vpliv mehanskih poškodb satnih celic na odziv čebel, saj so v nasprotju z majhnimi luknjicami, čebele velike luknjice odpirale. Fermentacijski produkti imajo različno vlogo v panju in zato tudi različno vplivajo na predelavo medu. Etanol predstavlja dražljaj kvarjenja, ocetna in mlečna kislina pa delujeta kot prehranska dražljaja.

Keywords:med, čebele, čebelarstvo, čebelje družine, ocetna kislina, mlečna kislina, etanol, prehranjevanje čebel
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[N. Puhalić]
Number of pages:X, 82 f., [2] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-70219 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10519369 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Ethanol, acetic and lactic acid as key stimuli for food processing in bee colony
Temperature and moisture in the hive represent optimal conditions for growth and development of microorganisms, which at obtaining energy in fermentation process from sugars in honey and pollen, produce different metabolites, that include ethanol, acetic and lactic acid. In the first part of our research we wanted to determine which concentrations of acetic and lactic acid the bees consume. We also tried to find out if they are capable of distinguishing ethanol, acetic and lactic acid solutions on the basis of associative learning with proboscis extension reflex. Bees preferred lower concentrations of acetic and lactic acid solutions. The learning turned out to be unsuccessful, because the bees were not able to connect the conditional stimulus with the unconditional stimulus, where the conditional stimulus was ethanol or specific organic acid solution. In the second part of the experiment, we studied the role of our test substances for honey processing in the hive. The bees tended to open the honeycomb cells with ethanol solution, but they closed those with acetic and lactic acid solutions. The closing of a bigger number of cells was noticed at the honeycomb cells with acetic acid solution. We have proved that the mechanical damage in honeycomb cells has an influence on the reaction of the bees. The bees were namely opening the bigger holes and not the smaller ones. Fermentation products have a different role in the hive and this is the reason why they also have a different impact on the honey processing. Ethanol is a stimulus of spoilage, whereas acetic and lactic acid work as food stimuli.

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