
Presoja internacionalizacije v visokem šolstvu v podsaharski Afriki
ID Alemu, Sintayehu Kassaye (Author)

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V zadnjih desetletjih je razvoj internacionalizacije visokega šolstva revidiral konceptualne okvire visokega šolstva, okrepil njegov obseg in pomembnost, preoblikoval njegov svet in odnose med državami. Vplivnejše univerze pri tem igrajo osrednjo vlogo in so ponudnice znanja, medtem ko šibkejše ustanove in sistemi z manj sredstvi in nižjimi akademskimi standardi zavzemajo obrobno vlogo in so uporabniki tega znanja. Dihotomija centra in periferije v internacionalizaciji visokega šolstva nesporno predstavlja velik izziv ustanovam na periferiji. Za regije v razvoju, kot je Afrika, je visoko šolstvo pomemben instrument pri družbeno-ekonomskem razvoju, ena izmed strategij za izboljšanje in zvišanje kakovosti visokega šolstva pa je prav internacionalizacija. Kljub različnim poskusom, da bi povečali učinke internacionalizacije, ostaja afriško visoko šolstvo periferno, razmerja pa še vedno nesimetrična, neetična in neenakopravna. Poleg nekaterih pozitivnih učinkov je internacionalizacija prinesla tudi zapletene posledice in nove probleme, kot so: beg možganov, sprememba kulturnih vrednot, komodifikacija visokega šolstva, ohranjanje neenakosti med univerzami v razmerju severa in juga idr. Namen prispevka je, da osvetli probleme in nepredvidene posledice internacionalizacije visokega šolstva s posebnim osredinjenjem na Afriko.

Keywords:visoko šolstvo
Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education
Number of pages:71-90
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-70009 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
ALEMU, Sintayehu Kassaye, 2014, Presoja internacionalizacije v visokem šolstvu v podsaharski Afriki [online]. 2014. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:An appraisal of the internationalisation of higher education in Sub-Saharan Africa
Over the past decades, the development of the internationalisation of higher education has revised the conceptual framework of higher education, enhanced its scope, scale and importance, and transformed its world, as well as reshaping relationships between countries. More powerful universities play a central role and are suppliers of knowledge, whereas weaker institutions and systems with fewer resources and lower academic standards occupy a peripheral position and are consumers. The centre-periphery dichotomy in the internationalisation of higher education undoubtedly presents considerable challenges to the higher education institutions of the peripheries. For developing regions like Africa, higher education is an important instrument for socioeconomic development, and one of the strategies to improve and qualify higher education is internationalisation. In spite of various attempts to enhance the benefits of internationalisation, African higher education has continued to be peripheral, with relationships remaining asymmetrical, unethical and unequal. Along with some positive benefits, internationalisation has brought complicated implications and new challenges, such as the brain drain, cultural values, the commodification of higher education, the persistence of inequality between global north-south universities, and so on. The purpose of the present paper is to highlight the challenges and unintended consequences of the internationalisation of higher education, with a particular focus on Africa.

Keywords:higher education

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