The article presents puppet/drama plays in the kindergarten, deriving from the principles
of the creative theatre education, kindergarten curricula and symbolic play. The
mentioned theoretical starting points of the children's theatre are linked to the Reggio
educational approach perceiving the puppet of all things to be a powerful means of
socialization and identity development. The theatrical means of expression are a medium to get to know the world, to link the contents, to reach the objectives of the
curricula and apart from that the child's emotional and social development is affected.
The main purpose of the creative theatre education is to foster personal development of
the actors and to educate them at the same time to monitor and understand the art of the
theatre. The Reggio educational approach emphasizes the hundred languages of a child
with which he can express himself, therefore the theatre can excellently be included in
this concept due to various non-verbal means of expression. The process in which these
theatrical activities are pursued is important for the educator, who encourages creativity,
independence and investigating in the child following the model of his symbolic play.
For this reason documenting, that plays an important role in the Reggio approach, i.e.
monitoring the development of the theatrical project and the child's development by a
video camera and photos, is of great importance.