In the virgin fiorest Prelesnikova koliševka, 117 species of fungi were collected. 12 among them are obligatory biotrophic parasites (micromycetes) destroying the assimilatory apparatus of conifers (Spruce and Fir) as well as of broadleaved trees and herbs (Acer pseudoplatanus, Tilia platyphyllos and T. cordata, Sal ix appendiculata, Mercurialis perennis, Epilobium montanum, Asarum europaeum, Dentaria enneaphyllos, and Moehringia muscosa). The fungus Melampsorella caryophyllacearum infects branches and stems of the Fir. Further, 94 l ignicolous and 15 terrestric fungi were found, 5 of the last being facultatively lignicolous. 7 lignicolous and 6 terrestric species are eatable, and 3 poisonous. Among the terrestric species 4 act as mycorhiza, 4 decompose the leaf litter. Tremella globospora is a hypersaprophyte on dead lignicolous specimens belonging to the genus Diaporthe and Eutypella. The species of fungi stated by the investigation were treated also ecologically on the base of the precisely mapped microrelief and of the plant communities including all species of mosses and 1 ichens.