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Samoregulacija in cilji dijakov v socialnem kontekstu : doktorska disertacija
Strmšek Turk, Suzana
Juriševič, Mojca
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Področji samoregulacije in motivacijskih ciljev sta danes v središču teorij, ki skušajo pojasniti motivacijske procese in učne dosežke. Slednji so namreč pomembno povezani s ciljno usmerjenostjo, samoregulacijo učenja in samoučinkovitostjo učencev. Osnovni raziskovalni problem disertacije je zato usmerjen v osvetlitev kompleksnosti narave ciljev dijakov srednjega poklicnega in strokovnega izobraževanja v socialnem kontekstu ter v utemeljitev in interpretacijo motivacijskih in samoregulacijskih vidikov učenja dijakov, v konceptualnem okvirju socialno kognitivne in konstruktivistične paradigme. Empirični del disertacije izhaja iz predpostavljenega raziskovalnega modela doktorske disertacije in odgovarja na pet sklopov raziskovalnih vprašanj o: naravi ciljev in ciljnih usmerjenosti dijakov, vzorcih motivacijskih ciljev dijakov, samoregulaciji učenja, učinkovitosti samoregulacije dijakov v vzgojno-izobraževalnem kontekstu ter ciljni usmerjenosti in samoregulaciji učenja dijakov v družinskem kontekstu. Usmerjen je v preverjanje hipotez o ciljih in delovanju samoregulacijskih mehanizmov dijakov srednjega poklicnega in strokovnega izobraževanja v socialnem kontekstu. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih skupno 492 dijakov trinajstih srednjih poklicnih in strokovnih šol Podravske regije. S 56 dijaki ene izmed vključenih šol je bil izveden intervju, 436 dijakov dvajsetih oddelkov, od tega 170 dijakov srednjega poklicnega izobraževanja in 266 dijakov srednjega strokovnega izobraževanja pa je bilo vključenih v vzorec za izvedbo kvantitativnega raziskovanja. Za slednji vzorec je bilo pridobljeno 706 ocen učiteljev, sodelovalo pa je tudi 192 staršev dijakov. Izvedba intervjujev je ob upoštevanju recipročnosti vplivov osebnega in socialnega konteksta dijakov razširila razumevanje ciljnih usmerjenosti in problemov dijakov srednjega poklicnega in strokovnega izobraževanja. Analiza v intervjujih z dijaki pridobljenega gradiva je namreč pokazala, da so cilji osebnega konteksta dijakov pomembno povezani s cilji njihovega socialnega konteksta. Iz analize gradiva je razvidno tudi, da dijaki k učnim nalogam sicer pristopajo samozavestno, a pasivno. Več pozornosti posvečajo temu, da dokažejo, da so »pametni«, kakor temu da bi »se nalogo naučili«, kar nedvomno kaže na pomemben problem v poklicnem in strokovnem izobraževanju. V intervjujih pridobljene informacije o ciljih dijakov so bile pomembno dopolnilo pri pripravi lastnega merskega instrumenta za merjenje ciljev dijakov v socialnem kontekstu, ki je bil v raziskovanju uporabljen za identifikacijo latentne strukture ciljev dijakov. Glede na identificirane kombinacije ciljnih usmerjenosti sem dijake razvrstila v specifične homogene vzorce motivacijskih ciljev, ki so pokazali razlike v stopnji izrazitosti posameznih ciljnih usmerjenosti in medsebojno povezanost motivacijskih ciljnih usmerjenosti dijakov. V okviru empiričnega dela disertacije sem preučila tudi razlike in povezanost med vzorci motivacijskih ciljev dijakov ter spolom, letnikom in stopnjo izobraževanja, učnimi dosežki in predhodno učno neuspešnostjo dijakov v srednji šoli. Na področju samoregulacije sem identificirala latentno strukturo samoregulacije učenja dijakov in ugotovila, da se faktorska struktura precej razlikuje glede na faktorske strukture drugih raziskav. Ugotovila sem, da je sistem preučevanih manifestnih sklopov spremenljivk motivacijskih strategij učenja dijakov srednjega poklicnega in strokovnega izobraževanja mogoče pojasniti s skupno devetimi faktorji. Od originalne verzije uporabljenega vprašalnika MSLQ se v največji meri razlikujejo konstrukti učnih strategij dijakov. Sklepam, da gre pri tem tako za specifičnost populacije dijakov, ki se vključujejo v poklicno in strokovno izobraževanje, kakor tudi za nujnost učinkovitejše nadaljnje presoje indikatorjev uporabe motivacijskih strategij samoregulacije dijakov tovrstnega izobraževanja oziroma uporabo instrumentov merjenja, ki bi v večji meri upoštevali značilnosti socialnega konteksta. Na področju samoregulacije sem preučila odnose med samoregulacijo učenja in vzorci motivacijskih ciljev dijakov. Preverila sem tudi razlike in povezanost samoregulacije učenja dijakov z njihovim spolom, letnikom in stopnjo izobraževanja ter učnimi dosežki. Samoocenjeno samoregulacijo učenja dijakov sem primerjala še z učiteljevimi ocenami samoregulacije dijakov v vzgojno-izobraževalnem kontekstu, nazadnje pa preverila še, kolikšen delež prispeva izobrazbena stopnja staršev dijakov, njihovo vrednotenje izobraževanja in ciljna usmerjenost, k ciljnim usmerjenostim dijakov, njihovim učnim dosežkom in njihovi samoregulaciji učenja. Z ugotovitvami disertacije sem utemeljila ustreznost raziskovalnega modela disertacije in nakazala pomembne smernice za prihodnje znanstveno-raziskovalno pedagoško delo na področju ciljne usmerjenosti in samoregulacije učenja dijakov. Identificirane ciljne usmerjenosti in vzorce motivacijskih ciljev dijakov v socialnem kontekstu ter hkratno identificiran prispevek uporabe motivacijskih samoregulacijskih učnih strategij dijakov v odnosu do učnih dosežkov lahko pomembno prispevajo k razširitvi kriterijev za presojanje učinkovitosti šolskih praks v poklicnem in strokovnem izobraževanju. Omogočajo oceno stanja in širijo možne okvirje učinkovitega pedagoškega načrtovanja in delovanja v smeri povečevanja učne uspešnosti ter preprečevanja osipa. Raziskovalne ugotovitve disertacije vsekakor kažejo na to, da bi bilo v poklicnem in strokovnem izobraževanju pedagoška prizadevanja smiselno intenzivneje usmeriti v svetovalne dejavnosti, socialno-pedagoške programe in načine dela, ki bodo upoštevali konstruktivistična in socialno kognitivna spoznanja na področju samoregulacije in ciljev ter vpetost vzgojno-izobraževalnega konteksta v širši socialni kontekst. V skrbi za celostni pristop k posamezniku ter usmerjenosti v pomoč dijakom pri spoprijemanju z izzivi socialnega okolja je treba oblikovati ustrezne pristope v procesu poučevanja ter hkrati zagotoviti podporo učiteljem pri ozaveščanju in opolnomočenju dijakov na področju ciljne usmerjenosti in samoregulacije učenja. V kurikulum poklicnega in strokovnega izobraževanja je smiselno vključiti vzgojno-izobraževalne cilje, ki bodo zagotavljali priložnosti za razvoj odgovornosti in avtonomije dijakov znotraj vzgojno-izobraževalnega konteksta.
Slovenski jezik
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Vrsta gradiva:
Doktorska disertacija
2.08 - Doktorska disertacija
PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
[S. Strmšek Turk]
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Self-regulation and student's goals in the social context
The fields of self-regulation and motivational goals are in the centre of theories which try to explain motivational processes and learning achievement. The latter are namely strongly connected with the goal orientation, the self-regulation of learning and the self-efficiency of students. Therefore the main research problem of the thesis is to enlighten the complexity of goals of students in vocational and professional education in the social context and the argumentation and interpretation of motivation and self-regulation aspects of students learning within conceptual guidelines for social cognitive and constructivist paradigm. The empirical part of the thesis is based on the assumed research model of the doctoral thesis. There are five topics the thesis tries to give answers to: the nature of goals and the goal orientation of students, the students’ motivational goal patterns, the self-regulated learning, the efficiency of self-regulation of students in the educational context, and the goal orientation and self-regulation of students’ learning in a family context. The empirical part is orientated to testing the hypotheses of goals and functioning of self-regulation mechanisms of students in secondary vocational and professional education within social context. 492 students of thirteen secondary vocational and professional schools in Podravje region were included in the research. 56 students were interviewed, 436 students in twenty classes were included in the quantitative research, among them 170 students were of secondary vocational education programmes and 266 students of secondary professional education programmes. 706 evaluations of teachers were acquired and 192 students’ parents participated as well. Considering the principle of reciprocity of the students’ personal and social contexts in the implementation of interviews widened the understanding of goal orientation and the problems of students of secondary vocational and professional educational programmes. The analysis based on students’ interviews has shown a significant correlation between students’ personal and social context goals. From the analysis of the material is also evident that a self confident approach towards school assignments is used by students but this approach is passive. Their attention is focused more on proving they are »smart«, than on »learning their theme«, and that indicates a very important problem in secondary vocational and professional educational programmes. The information acquired by interviews were very important to complete the preparation of my own measure instrument to question students’ goals in social context which was used in the research to identify the latent structure of students’ goals. According to the identified combinations of goal orientation the students were classified into specific homogenous patterns of motivational goals, which showed differences in the level of explicitness of individual goal orientation and the correlation of students’ motivational goal orientation. The relation between the patterns of students’ motivational goals, their gender, grade and level of education, learning achievements and their prior lack of learning success were also researched in the empirical part of the doctoral thesis. The latent structure of self-regulated students’ learning has been identified. The research showed some discrepancies between the factorial structure and the factorial structures of researches made previously. It has been established that the system of investigated recognizable issues of students’ variables motivational learning strategies can be explained by nine factors. The constructs of students’ learning strategies differ mostly from the original version of the used questionnaire MSLQ. The conclusion has been made that the cause for this is the specificity of students’ population in secondary vocational and professional education and also the necessity of more efficient study of indicators of the use of motivation strategies of students’ self-regulation in the above mentioned programmes and the measure instruments which would include the characteristics of social context more. The relation between the self-regulated learning and the patterns of motivational goal orientation field of self-regulation has been researched in the field of self-regulation. The differences and connection between a self-regulated learning and the gender, a class and the level of education and learning achievements have also been researched. Self-evaluated self-regulated students’ learning has been compared to teachers’ evaluation of students’ self-regulation in education context and at last the impact of parents’ level of education, their evaluation of education and goal orientation on students’ goal orientation, their learning achievements and their self-regulation of learning has been researched. The dissertation research model was substantiated by the dissertation research findings which indicate the important directives of future scientific pedagogical research work in the filed of goal orientation and self-regulated students’ learning. Identified goal orientations and patterns of students’ motivational goals in social context and simultaneously identified use of students’ motivational self-regulated learning strategies in relation to learning achievements can importantly add to extension of criteria for evaluation of school proceedings efficiency in vocational and professional education. The assessment of the situation and the expansion of pedagogical planning and activities towards the increased learning effectiveness and the prevention of early school leaving are enabled. The research findings indicate that the intensity of advisory activities, social-pedagogical programmes and methods of work which consider constructivist and social cognitive findings in the field of self-regulation, goals and educational process in wider context should be increased. Because of the care of a holistic approach towards an individual and because of the orientation how to help students to deal successfully with challenges of social environment suitable procedures should be developed in the process of teaching; at the same time teachers should be ensured to be supported when making students aware and empowered in the field of goal orientation and self-regulated learning. Educational goals which enable the opportunities for developing responsibility and practicing autonomy within the educational context should be integrated in the curriculum of vocational and professional education.
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