
Modeli temperaturnih regulacijskih sistemov pri poučevanju tehniških vsebin : diplomsko delo
ID Rihtaršič, Marija (Author), ID Kocijančič, Slavko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo je namenjeno predvsem učiteljem v osnovni šoli, ki poučujejo izbirna predmeta robotika v tehniki in elektronika z robotiko. V pomoč je tudi učiteljem strokovnih predmetov srednješolskega izobraževalnega programa, ki v okviru določenih predmetov obravnavajo regulacijsko tehniko. Služi lahko tudi kot dodatno gradivo študentom tehnike na Pedagoški fakulteti pri predmetu projekti iz elektronike. Opisani modeli regulacij v diplomskem delu služijo uvajanju regulacijske tehnike in nazornejši predstavi delovanja posameznih členov regulacije. V diplomskem delu je opisan način, kako učencem razložiti in predstaviti regulacijo. V prvem delu je navedena predstavitev in definicija regulacije. Vzporedno je na konkretnem primeru podana primerjava s krmiljenjem. Sledi navajanje in opisovanje primerov regulacij.Najprej so navedeni začetki regulacije iz zgodovine, nato primeri iz vsakdanjega življenja. Osrednje poglavje predstavlja modele temperaturnih regulacij, namenjenih tehniškemu izobraževanju. Podrobno sta predstavljena modela zvezne in nezvezne regulacije temperature vode, kjer so poleg razlage vezja in modela predstavljene tudi posamezne meritve, ki ponazorijo in razložijo elemente regulacijskih sistemov ter vpliv določenih parametrov na le-te. Na koncu je navedena še navezava na učna načrta robotike v tehniki in elektronike v robotiki ter je predstavljeno, katere učne cilje bi lahko dosegli z uporabo modelov.

Keywords:robotika, regulacija, krmiljenje
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[M. Rihtaršič]
Number of pages:VII, 49 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-69326 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9314889 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Models of temperature closed loop control for technology teaching
Diploma thesis is designed for teachers in primary school that teach the optional subjects Robotics in Technology and Electronics and Robotics. The thesis is also meant to assist the teachers who teach the professional courses of secondary education program where certain subjects include the treatment of closed loop control technology as well. It can also serve as additional material for students of the Engeenering at the Faculty of education on the subject of Electronics projects. The models of closed loop controls described in the thesis serve the introduction of phase closed loop control techiques and clearer idea of individual parts of the closed loop control. The thesis discusses the approach of how to explain and present the closed loop control to students. The first part of the thesis is the presentation and definition of the closed loop control. Parallel is a comparison with the open loop control on a concrete example. Then follow the listing and the descrption of examples of closed loop control. At first the beginnings of the closed loop control in the history are presented, then follow real life examples. The central section presents models of temperature closed loop control that are meant for technology teaching. It presents a detailed model of water temperature control, where in addition to the interpretation of the circuit model in the individual measurements are presented, which illustrate and explain the elements of closed loop control systems and the influence of certain parameters on it. Finally the link to the school curriculum for the optional subjects Robotics in Technology and Electronics and Robotics is stated. It presents what learning aims could be achieved using the models at lessons.

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