The most important study in preschool for children is game. With help of game a child can explore and discover the world, which adults do not understand and do not know much of it. A game can influence on child's personal, social, moral, emotional and cognitive development and development of agile ability and skills. For successful development we offer a child toys and games or just some material and enough possibilities and freedom to release his imagination. We need to offer a child a possibility that he can become aware of the past and be aware of the time whenpeople lived humble. A child can make his own toys like we used to do it when we were at their age.
With the research I performed in kindergarden Ciciban in Novo mesto, I found out that children in group of age three to five, who produce new games and toys are also developing their working abilities and habits for easier organization of work itself. We can encourage children to play spontanious games with toys that they produce by themselves and that is how we approach games and toys, which were designed in the childhood of our older generations.