A curriculum which is oriented toward process development gives the preschool
staff much freedom when it comes to choosing various contents for achieving
the same objectives. Their autonomy regarding the degree of choice they have
applies to all core areas of the curriculum. Research from the field of Movement
show that frequency of integrating movement/sports activities in kindergartens
is influenced by material, human resources, content and organisational factors.
By analysing movement/sports activities of children and preschool staff and by
determining some material aspects for implementing the Movement, the
situation in kindergartens was studied. In the survey 810 preschool staff
participated who have undergone professional training for implementing
elements of special Reggio Emilia principles of pedagogy from the field of
preschool education. The data were processed using SPSS (Statistical Package
for social Sciences Inc., Chicago IL, Version 16), whereby the Frequencies
subprogramme was used to calculate frequencies of individual responses from
questionnaires, whereas with numerical variables the Descriptives
subprogramme was applied in order to calculate the mean and standard
deviation. Based on the findings, the guidelines were provided that should serve
as arguments for a more frequent inclusion of movement/sports activities in