
Vloga skupine za samopomoč pri socialnem vključevanju odraslih oseb s težavami v duševnem zdravju : diplomsko delo
ID Meglič, Maruša (Author), ID Razpotnik, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Klemenčič Rozman, Mija Marija (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/2558 This link opens in a new window

Duševno zdravje je del zdravja in osnovna potreba, ki je temelj človekovega delovanja na vseh ravneh. Kako pomembna je skupina za samopomoč pri ohranjanju duševnega zdravja posameznikov s težavami v duševnem zdravju v procesu socialnega vključevanja in zmanjševanja učinkov stigmatizacije, sem ugotavljala v svojem diplomskem delu. Na začetku sem v teoriji zajela razlago pojmov duševnega zdravja v povezavi z duševno boleznijo in duševnimi motnjami, kaj je stigma in kako delujejo predsodki v procesu stigmatizacije, v nadaljevanju sem opisala potrebe ljudi s težavami v duševnem zdravju, kako poskrbita za posameznika s težavami v duševnem zdravju skupnost in socialna okolica ter povzela vrste pomoči, značilnosti programa samopomoči in skupin za samopomoč v okviru društev oziroma nevladnih organizacij na področju duševnega zdravja. V raziskovalnem delu po metodi kvalitativne analize sem prišla do ugotovitev, da skupina za samopomoč kot vmesna struktura na področju duševnega zdravja v procesu dezinstitucionalizacije igra pomembno vlogo pri nudenju zavetja, varnosti, opore in širjenju socialne mreže oseb s težavami v duševnem zdravju, je v pomoč pri zmanjševanju dejavnikov tveganja in stigmatizacije. Uporabniki in druge osebe, ki se vključujejo v skupino za samopomoč, z medsebojnim sodelovanjem pridobijo nove izkušnje, veščine in strategije reševanja težav. Skupina za samopomoč uporabniku pomaga premagovati duševne težave, spodbuja in krepi oslabljeno moč, daje nova znanja in izkušnje, da bo v prihodnosti bolj samostojen pri odločitvah, premišljen v svojih ravnanjih, da bo pogosteje navezoval nove stike z ljudmi, okrepil krhke odnose s skupnostjo in družbo ter bolj kontroliral svoje vedenje in čustvene odzive do soljudi v skladu z družbenimi pričakovanji. Pri tem posamezniku pomagajo bližnji in strokovni delavci, vpeti v dejavnosti in aktivnosti društva oziroma nevladne organizacije, z namenom promocije in zmanjševanja škodljivih učinkov hospitalizacije, gradnje trdnejše identitete ter se pogostejšega aktivnega vključevanja v socialno okolje.

Keywords:skupine za samopomoč, duševno zdravje, duševne bolezni, socialno vključevanje
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[M. Meglič]
Number of pages:100 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-69195 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10258505 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:The role of self-help group in social inclusion of adults with mental health problems
Mental health is the foundation of human activity at all levels and a part of health and basic human need. In my thesis I researched the importance of self-help groups for individuals with mental health problems to maintain mental health in social inclusion process and stigma effects reduction. In the first part I explain the terms and concepts of mental health in relation to mental illness and mental disorders, I cover the terms of stigma and the function of prejudices in the process of stigmatization, followed by the description of needs of people with mental health problems and how an individual with mental health problems is taken care of by the community and social surroundings. I have summarized the types of assistance and features of the self-help and self-help groups within the associations or non-governmental organizations in the field of mental health. Using the method of qualitative analysis I came to the conclusion, that self-help group plays an important role as an intermediate structure in providing shelter, security, support and expansion of social networks for people with mental health problems in the process of deinstitutionalisation and it helps reduce the risk factors and stigmatization. Users and other people who engage in self-help group, through mutual cooperation gain new experiences, skills and strategies to solve problems. Self-help group helps the users to overcome mental health problems, encourages and strengthens weakened power, gives new knowledge and experience, which helps the users to become independent in decision-making, thoughtful in their actions, at ease to make contacts to others, strengthen relations with the community and society and will take more control of own behavior and emotional responses to others in accordance with societal expectations. User receives help from his family and friends, professional help and help from individuals that are included in the association or non-governmental organizations, with the aim of promoting and reducing the harmful effects of hospitalization, building a stronger identity and frequent active involvement in the social environment.

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