
Z računalniško-izobraževalno igro po sledeh Atlantide ter po osnovnih poteh programiranja funkcij in procedur
ID Skubic, Katja (Author), ID Zupan, Davor (Author), ID Sara, Drožđek (Author), ID Zapušek, Matej (Author), ID Rugelj, Jože (Author)

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Izdelave igre smo se lotili z namenom, da učencem, ki se učijo programiranja in algoritmičnega razmišljanja, čim bolj zanimivo in zabavno predstavimo temo: funkcije in procedure. Z vključevanjem humorja in motivacijskih elementov smo skušali doseči, da se bodo učenci veselili igranja igre, s tem pa pridobili osnovno znanje o funkcijah in procedurah. Tema je za učence, ki se z njo prvič spoznavajo, precej zahtevna, zato smo z namenom, da bi olajšali prenos znanja, vključili veliko zanimivih aktivnosti, ki smo jih predstavili v privlačni zgodbi. Igro smo izdelali v okviru predmeta Z informacijskokomunikacijsko tehnologijo podprta učna gradiva na Pedagoški fakulteti v Ljubljani, smer matematika in računalništvo, kot projektno skupinsko delo. Članek opisuje podroben potek izdelave igre, scenarij, vključene aktivnosti in učne cilje, ki smo jih želeli naučiti. Končni izdelek je primer, kako izdelati didaktično ustrezno, teoretično zasnovano igro, ki učne cilje spretno zakrije v kontekst igre in tako omogoči, da se otrok ob igranju nezavedno uči pomembnih konceptov iz programiranja. Delo še ni končano, saj bomo izdelek testirali z beta testiranjem, dodatna testiranja bodo opravljena še v okviru prakse v osnovnih šolah. Po končanih testiranjih, bomo na podlagi ugotovitev igro še izboljšali.

Keywords:vzgoja in izobraževanje
Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Number of pages:121-122
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-69140 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:With a computer-didactical game on the track of Atlantis and on the basic path of programing functions and procedures
We started making this game in order to present the subject of functions and procedures in an interesting and fun way to pupils, who are learning to program and develop their algorithmic thinking. Adding humor and motivational elements to the game, we tried to achieve that pupils will enjoy playing the game, and with that gain knowledge about creating algorithms. The topic is quite difficult, that is why we decided to include a lot of interesting activities, which we present in an appealing storyline, to ensure the transfer of knowledge. The game was developed during the subject With information and communications technology supported learning materials on the Faculty of education in Ljubljana, department of Mathemathics and Computer science, as a group project. The article describes how we made the game, the script, included activities and learning goals, which we want to teach with this game. The final product is an example, how to create a didactically appropriate, theoretically based game, which hides the learning goals in the games context and allows pupils, while playing the game, unknowingly learn important concepts about programming. The game still has to undergo beta testing, and also needs to be tested in primary schools. After the testings are done, we will, based on the results, improve the game, where improvements are needed.

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