
Otroci s težavami na področju motorike : diplomsko delo
ID Povšič, Nuša (Author), ID Filipčič, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Terčon, Jerneja (Comentor)

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Dobro razvita motorika omogoča otroku dosegati dobre rezultate pri osvajanju šolskih veščin. Težave motorike lahko prepoznajo starši in vzgojitelji že v predšolskem obdobju. Običajno jim ne posvečajo pozornosti, dokler se njihovi otroci ne vključijo v obvezno šolanje. Otrok ima posledično težave pri osvajanju šolskih veščin (pisanje, branje), lahko pa se pojavijo specifične učne težave kot sta disleksija in dispraksija. Osnovni namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti povezavo med težavami na področju motorike in težavo na področju grafomotorike. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 38 otrok iz osnovnih šol v Zasavju. Podatki, uporabljeni v empiričnem delu diplomskega dela, so bili pridobljeni z Vprašalnikom razvojne motnje koordinacije s katerim smo pridobili podatke motoričnega funkcioniranja za skupino 6-letnih otrok in detekcijskim testom, ki odkriva težave na področju grafomotorike. Odgovore v vprašalniku so podale učiteljice izbranih otrok, naloge v detekcijskem testu pa so reševali otroci sami v sklopu zbiranja ocen njihovih sposobnosti. Ugotovili smo, da so učenci, ki so bili ocenjeni kot neuspešni na Vprašalniku razvojne motnje koncentracije, dosegli slabše rezultate tudi pri nalogah detekcijskega testa. Spearmanov koeficient korelacije je pokazal, da obstaja statistično značilna korelacija med Vprašalnikom razvojne motnje koordinacije in nalogo 1 ter Vprašalnikom razvojne motnje koordinacije in nalogo 2. Ugotovili smo tudi, da 6-letnim otrokom največ težav v grafomotoriki predstavljajo sledenje liniji brez prekinitev, risanje ravnih črt v liniji ter prerisovanje likov kot sta deltoid in romb.

Keywords:gibalne sposobnosti in spretnosti
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[N. Povšič]
Number of pages:67 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-69132 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10233417 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Children with poor motor skills
A well-developed motor skill enables a child to achieve good results while conquering school skills. Parents and educators can recognize certain motor skill problems in the pre-school period. These problems are usually being dealt with after the children start their compulsory education. As a consequence, the child has difficulties with conquering educational skill (writing, reading). Specific learning disabilities may appear, such as dyslexia and dyspraxia. The primary purpose of this diploma thesis is to determine the connection between problems in the area of kinesiology and the problems in the area of graphomotor skills. There were 38 children involved in the research. All of them attend elementary schools in Zasavje. The data used in the empirical part of the diploma thesis were acquired from the questionnaire, titled Vprašalnik razvojne motnje koordinacije (Questionnaire of development coordination disorder, op. p.), and with a detection test. With the questionnaire we have acquired data for a group of 6-year-old children and how their motor skills function. The detection test showed us where in the area of graphomotor skills the children have difficulties. The answers in the questionnaire were submitted by the children’s teachers, whereas the tasks in the detections test were solved by the children themselves for the purpose of collecting the assessments of their abilities. We have determined that the children, who were evaluated as unsuccessful in Vprašalnik razvojne motnje koncentracije (Questionnaire of development coordination disorder), had poorer results with the tasks in detection test. Spearman correlation coefficient showed that there is a significant correlation between Vprašalnik razvojne motnje koncentracije (Questionnaire of development coordination disorder) and the task 1, and Vprašalnik razvojne motnje koncentracije (Questionnaire of development coordination disorder) and the task 2. We have also determined that the biggest problems for 6-year-old children are following a line without interruption, drawing straight lines in line and the tracing of different shapes, such as a deltoid and a rhombus. These problems appear in the field of graphomotor skills.

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