
Pojem smrti v osnovni šoli : diplomsko delo
ID Bedek, Urška (Author), ID Razpotnik, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/2465 This link opens in a new window

Smrt je pojav, s katerim se srečujemo vsak dan, pa vseeno neradi razmišljamo o njem. Bolj močno se ga zavemo, ko izgubimo koga od naših dragih. Takrat moramo iti skozi proces žalovanja, ki pa ga dosti lažje prenesemo, če smo vsaj malo pripravljeni na to, da se tak dogodek lahko zgodi. Včasih potrebujemo pomoč, da prebolimo izgubo bližnje osebe in takrat je zelo pomembno, da to pomoč dobimo. Tudi otroci v osnovnih šolah se srečujejo s smrtjo. Izguba bližnje osebe je za marsikaterega otroka zelo težka in ker je velikokrat njegova družina sama preobremenjena s prebolevanjem izgube, je pomembno, da se ponudi pomoč otroku v šoli. Naloga govori o pomoči žalujočemu otroku v osnovni šoli. V teoretičnem delu se dotakne pojma smrti in žalovanja na splošno, opiše faze žalovanja, ki naj bi jih ob smrti bližnje osebe predelal vsak človek. Sledi podrobna analiza razumevanja in doživljanja smrti pri različno starih otrocih. V nadaljevanju so opisane potrebe žalujočih otrok ter ustrezna pomoč. V zadnjem poglavju se naloga dotakne pomoči žalujočemu učencu v osnovni šoli ter preventivnega pogovora. Empirični del temelji na odgovorih 288 anketiranih učiteljev, šolskih svetovalnih delavcev ter vodstva šole (ravnatelji in pomočniki ravnateljev) iz slovenskih osnovnih šol. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da se večina anketiranih zaveda pomena pomoči žalujočemu učencu ter pogovora z učenci o tej temi. Načrtovane pomoči žalujočim učencem je v Sloveniji izredno malo, kjer pa je, jo v večini izvajata šolska svetovalna služba ali učitelji. Več kot polovica anketiranih se čuti usposobljenih za pogovor z učenci o temi smrti, manj se jih počuti usposobljenih za pomoč žalujočim učencem. Glede dodatnih izobraževanj je več kot polovica anketiranih odgovorila, da si želi dodatnih izobraževanj na to temo.

Keywords:žalujoči učenec, šolska svetovalna služba, učitelji, vodstvo šole
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[U. Bedek]
Number of pages:37 str., [4] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-69034 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10216521 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:The concept of death in a primary school
Death is a phenomenon that we encounter every day but we still do not like to think about it. We become more aware of it when we lose someone from our loved ones. Then we have to go through the process of mourning but it is much easier to cope with it if we are at least a little bit prepared for the fact that such an event could happen. Sometimes we need help to get over the loss of a loved one and then it is very important to get this help. Even children in primary schools are faced with death. The loss of a close person is difficult for some children and because the family is often too occupied with dealing with the loss it is very important to offer assistance to a child at school. The diploma is about the help to a grieving child in a primary school. The theoretical part deals with the terms ‘death’ and ‘mourning’ in general, describes the stages of mourning which should be processed by every person. A detailed analysis of understanding and experiencing of death for different aged children follows. Different needs of grieving children and appropriate assistance are described. The last chapter describes assistance to a grieving child and preventive conversation. The empirical part is based on the responses of 288 surveyed teachers, school counsellors and school leaders (principals and assistant principals) from the Slovene primary schools. The result analysis has shown that the majority of the surveyed people are aware of the importance of helping the grieving children and discussing the topic with them. There is not a lot of planned assistance to the children in need. But where it is it is offered by the school counsellors and teachers. More than half of the respondents feel qualified to talk with pupils about the topic of death, the less they feel qualified to assist grieving pupils. Regarding additional training, more than half of the respondents replied that they want additional education on the topic.

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