
Merila za pripravo na javni govorni nastop - zakonitosti usvajanja jezika
ID Petek, Tomaž (Author)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/2356/ This link opens in a new window

Javno govorno nastopanje razumemo kot tvorjenje enogovornih govorjenih besedil, namenjenih širši ali ožji javnosti oz. skupini. Prispevek v teoretičnem delu predstavlja zakonitosti učinkovitega javnega govornega nastopanja; oblikovali smo merila za pripravo na javni govorni nastop in opredelili štiri glavna področja, tj.: a) zgradba govornega nastopa (upoštevanje značilnosti besedilne vrste, ustreznost teme in izbire vsebine, ustreznost načina razvijanja teme, oblikovanje smiselnega, razumljivega in zaokroženega besedila); b) celostni način govorne predstavitve (tekoče, naravno, prosto in razločno govorjenje); c) besedni jezik (socialna zvrst jezika, izbira besed glede na govorni položaj, slovnična pravilnost, pravorečni izgovor); č) nebesedni jezik (slušni nebesedni spremljevalci govorjenja, vidni nebesedni spremljevalci govorjenja). Uresničevanje meril smo preverili v praksi, in sicer pri študentih (prihodnjih učiteljih) v 2. in 3. letniku dodiplomskega izobraževanja (N = 211). Gledano celostno, so vse povprečne ocene študentov v 3. letniku boljše od povprečnih ocen študentov v 2. letniku. Pri javnem govornem nastopanju so imeli študentje največ težav s tekočim, z naravnim in s prostim govorjenjem ter z ustreznostjo načina razvijanja teme, najbolje uresničevani merili pa sta bili ustreznost teme in izbire vsebine ter upoštevanje značilnosti besedilne vrste.

Keywords:usvajanje jezika
Work type:Not categorized
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:Ljubljana : Filozofska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani
Number of pages:381-392
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-68843 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Criteria for public speech planning - characteristics of language learning
Public speaking is understood as monological discourse production, directed at a wider or narrower public or group of people. The theoretical part of this article introduces the characteristics of effective public speaking; criteria were designed for the preparation of a public speech, and four main sections defined, i.e. a) construction of public speech (consideration of text type characteristics, appropriateness of the topic and selection of content, appropriateness of the mode of topic development, formation of a meaningful, comprehensible and integrated text); b) integral mode of public speech (fluent, natural and free speaking, clear diction); c) verbal language (social genre, selection of words consistent with the speech, grammatical correctness, correct pronunciation, formal constructions, formal [dynamic] accent), non-verbal language (auditory non-verbal speech cues, visual non-verbal speech cues). The fulfilment of these criteria was tested in practice, namely on second and third year undergraduate students (prospective teachers) (N = 211). On the whole, all the average marks of third year students 391 were better than those of the second year students. The most common difficulty facing the students was fluent, natural and free speaking as well as appropriate topic development, whereas the most successfully fulfilled criteria were those of appropriate topic selection and consideration of text type characteristics.

Keywords:language learning

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