
Izdelava računalniškega programa za orientacijo stereopara
ID Balek, Vid (Author), ID Kosmatin Fras, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Grigillo, Dejan (Comentor)

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MD5: 4DF6841AE0AEFD0ED18185BC53A4EE19
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b65280d8-042e-4938-b447-1b8893934a49

V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena izdelava računalniškega programa za izvedbo postopka orientacije stereopara. Opredelili smo osnovne pojme in predstavili področje bližnjeslikovne fotogrametrije. Na kratko smo opisali zgodovinski razvoj in instrumentarij ter metode za zajem stereopara. Za orientacijo stereopara smo uporabili več metod: dvostopenjsko metodo orientacije stereopara, metodo notranjega ureza in metodo direktne linearne transformacije. Za te metode smo opisali teorijo in enačbe, ki so potrebne za izdelavo programa. V praktičnem delu naloge smo predstavili izdelan računalniški program. Zajeli smo celoten postopek, v katerem smo preučili vhodne podatke, pisali računalniško kodo za izvajanje algoritmov, oblikovali grafični vmesnik, združevali algoritme z grafičnim vmesnikom in ustvarili izhodne datoteke. Prikazali smo tudi področja uporabe, sestavo, omejitve in navodila izdelanega programa. Postopek izračuna orientacije stereopara smo prikazali tudi na praktičnem primeru ter komentirali in interpretirali pridobljene rezultate.

Keywords:orientacija stereopara, relativna orientacija, absolutna orientacija, zunanja orientacija
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-68452 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6410081 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Development of a computer program for computation of orientation of a stereo pair
The graduation thesis presents the development of a computer program for computing orientation of a stereo pair. Basic terminology was defined and close range photogrammetry was presented. A brief historical overview, instrumentation and methods for capturing the stereo pair were described. Suitable methods for the stereo pair's orientation were selected: the two-step method, the space resection method, and the method of direct linear transformation. For all the methods, theory as well as equations, necessary for the program development, were described. The practical part of the graduation thesis presents the computer program itself. The entire procedure was taken into consideration: from studying the input data, writing the computer code for implementing the algorithms, designing the graphical interface, combining the algorithms with the graphical interface, and creating an output file. Here we also presented the program's scope of use, its structure, limits, and the manual for it. The calculation of the stereo pair's orientation is presented also in practice where we commented on and interpreted the results.

Keywords:stereo pair orientation, relative orientation, absolute orientation, exterior orientation

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