
Analiza skladnosti D48/GK- in D96/TM- koordinat zemljiškokatastrskih točk v pomurju
ID Velagić, Eldin (Author), ID Rupnik, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Berk, Sandi (Author), ID Komadina, Žarko (Author), ID Triglav, Joc (Author)

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MD5: 9690FA2A75B5FE4525B6EA22E2CFB79D
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/7860e76a-6dad-44a5-8a11-9a154c8bf7b4

Predstavljena je analiza skladnosti D48/GK- in D96/ TM-koordinat za več kot 62.000 zemljiškokatastrskih (ZK-) točk v Pomurju, ki so bile določene po1. januarju 2008, torej v skladu z novim Zakonom o evidentiranju nepremičnin. Takšna analiza je izvedljiva brez dodatnih terenskih meritev – z uporabo kakovostnega modela transformacije. Kot referenčni model je bila uporabljena državna trikotniška transformacija, različica 3.0. Med razlogi za neskladje D48/GK- in D96/TM-koordinat ZK-točk glede na referenčni transformacijski model so lahko slaba natančnost ali groba napaka v izmeri D96/ TM-koordinat (GNSS-izmera) in D48/GK-koordinat (klasična izmera). Še pogosteje kot z neposredno izmero pa so D48/GK-koordinate točk določene posredno – s transformacijo. Tu so razlog za neskladje nekakovostni transformacijski parametri. Poleg nekakovostnih veznih točk je vzrok lahko premajhno število uporabljenih veznih točk ali njihova neustrezna razporeditev. Neskladje koordinat ZK-točk je lahko tudi posledica lokalnih anomalij v obstoječi poligonski/ linijski mreži ali pa slabe natančnosti uporabljenega referenčnega transformacijskega modela. Cilja analize skladnosti sta kontrola kakovosti določanja koordinat ZK-točk (tj. dela geodetskih podjetij) in tudi kontrola kakovosti modela trikotniške transformacije. Za dosego teh ciljev je bila na izbranih lokacijah znotraj testnega območja izvedena tudi neodvisna terenska izmera.

Keywords:analiza skladnosti, datumska transformacija, koordinatno odstopanje, zemljiškokatastrska točka
Work type:Not categorized
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:Zveza geodetov Slovenije
Number of pages:269-283
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-68417 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Consistency analysis of D48/GK and D96/TM coordinates of cadastral boundary points in the Mura region
A consistency analysis of D48/GK and D96/TM coordinates of more than 62,000 cadastral boundary (CB)points in the Mura region, which were determined after 1st January 2008, i.e. according to the new Real Estate Recording Act, is presented. Such an analysis can be realized without any additional measurements being taken, but only by using a high quality transformation model. The country-wide triangle-based transformation, Version 3.0, was used as a reference model. The reasons for the inconsistency between D48/GK and D96/TM coordinates of CB points according to the reference transformation model are low accuracy or gross errors in D96/TM coordinates (GNSS measurements) and D48/GK coordinates (classical measurements). Rather than in direct measurement, D48/GK coordinates are obtained indirectly by using transformation. In that case, the inconsistency is caused by poor quality transformation parameters. In addition to possible low quality tie points, there may be an insufficient number of tie points used, or their inadequate spacing. The inconsistency between the coordinates of CB points could also be caused by some problems in the control network and low accuracy of the reference transformation model. The aims of the consistency analysis are quality control of surveys of CB points and quality control of the triangle-based transformation model. To achieve these aims, independent surveys were carried out at the selected locations within the testing area.

Keywords:cadastral boundary point, consistency analysis, coordinate discrepancy, datum transformation

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