
Mladostniki s težavami v socialni integraciji v družinskem in šolskem sistemu : diplomsko delo
ID Gomezel, Anita (Author), ID Kobolt, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Svoje diplomsko delo sem posvetila raziskovanju vplivov na mladostnika, ki pripomorejo k nastanku težav v socialni integraciji. V teoriji naprej predstavim in razdelam vpliv sodobne družbe kot širšega okolja mladostnika. Ključne poudarke dam na področja, katera ocenjujem kot aktualna - vpliv hitrih sprememb v družbi, problem zaposlovanja mladih, ki dobiva globalne razsežnosti ter težavno vključevanje priseljenske mladine. Omenjena področja vpletem med razvojne naloge in značilnosti adolescence, ki je zahtevno in težavno obdobje že samo po sebi. Iz makrokozmosa mladostnika se zatem usmerim v njegov mikrokozmos, kjer najpodrobneje predstavim družinsko okolje, saj korenine vpliva na vsakega posameznika izvirajo prav od tam. Želim podati čim širšo sliko vplivov, katere nosi družinska celica preko partnerstva staršev, njunih odnosov do otrok in vzgoje, prenašanja vedenjskih vzorcev ter težav, s katerimi se sodobne družine pogosto srečujejo. Nadaljujem s predstavitvijo še dveh pomembnih faktorjev otroštva in mladostništva- vplivom vrstniške skupine in šole. Na slednjem področju želim predvsem predstaviti doživljanje šole mladostnika, ki ima težave v socialni integraciji (katere pogosto zajemajo tudi čustveno vedenjske težave) in njegovo udejstvovanje v šolskem sistemu. Empirični del sem posvetila trem mladostnikom, ki so mi preko intervjujev podali svoj pogled na svet in nase v njem. Izluščila sem več povezav s teorijo in jo nadgradila s spoznanjem, da ključen dejavnik vpliva na otroka, ki kasneje v mladostništvu kaže na pojavljanje in poglabljanje težav v socialni integraciji, ni nujno nasilna in trda vzgoja. Sodobni čas narekuje kot glavni vzrok takšnega vedenja pri mladostniku prej razvajanje in odsotnost konstruktivnih meja ter varnosti v vse več primerih.

Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Gomezel]
Number of pages:117 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-68058 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8918857 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Youngsters with difficulties in social integration in family and school system
I dedicated my graduation thesis to research of influences on a young person which contribute to formation of difficulties in social integration. I first introduce and explain in theory the influence of society as a youngster’s broader environment. I put key emphases on areas which I estimate to be topical – the influence of fast changes in society, the problem of employment of young people which is extending globally, and difficult assimilation of immigrant youth. I intertwine all of the mentioned areas with developmental tasks and characteristics of adolescence, which is a difficult period as it is. From the macrocosm of a youngster I later aim my attention to his/her microcosm, where I present in great detail family environment, because that is the root of an influence on every individual. I whish to present the widest palette of influences which the family cell carries through parental partnership, their relationship with children and views on upbringing, transmission of behavioral patterns and difficulties which modern families often deal with. I continue with presentation of another two important factors of childhood and youth – influences of peers and school. With the latter I whish to present above all the experience of school for a youngster with difficulties in social integration (which often include emotional behavioral difficulties) and his/her activity in the school system. I dedicated the empirical part to three youngsters who gave me through interviews their views of the world and of themselves in it. I picked out several links to theory and upgraded it with the comprehension that the key factor of influence on a child, which later in adolescence indicates the presence and deepening of difficulties in social integration, is not necessarily violent and hard upbringing. Modern times dictate that the main reason for such behavior in youth is in more and more cases spoiling and the absence of constructive limitations and safety.

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