Even though there is a difficult path from the initial idea to the realised product, it is for certain that every company should invest into research and development of a new product. Due to the fact that the market is ruled mainly by classic cradles, often missing aesthetic and mobility component that should add to extra value of the cradle. Based upon that knowledge, our company Lamurdesign has decided to develop a cradle which would inspire child growth with its colourful and innovative design, as also to serve as decoration to the baby's room. Among many other ideas a bumblebee and a ladybug were selected to present the cradle. To visualize the cradle a computer rendering process was applied, and presented to potential buyers using a survey. A prototype was built and tested with satisfactory results. The stages of development of the new product for market, introducing it to the market, testing the new product on the market, and commercialization are still to follow.