
Evropsko pomembne populacije ptic v Sloveniji
ID Vrezec, Al (Author)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-WQTAVPY6 This link opens in a new window

The article discusses bird populations of European significance in Slovenia, due to which Slovenia was listed by The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds among the 10 countries with the highest share in the European popula- tion. There are 15 such species, with a special emphasis put on the Ural Owl Strix uralensis - as the species with the highest important European popula-tion's share in Slovenia (2.1 %), its population density being 1.23 pair/ 100 km2. Among the birds of European significance in Slovenia there prevail thermophilous species (66.7%), while as far as the choice of habitat is concerned, the non-sylvan species (73.3%) are prevalent. The author divided sylvan species into thermophilous (1) and cold-loving (2) species. The non-sylvan species were divided according to their altitudinal distribution into lowland (under 800 m a.s.l. - 6 species), upland (above 1,500 m a.s.l. - 3 species) and upland-lowland species (inhabiting both altitude belts - 3 species, e.g. Rock Partridge Alectoris graeca). In zoogeographical sense, species with the Mediterranean type of range (93.3%) are prevalent, the special feature of the area being the Alpine-Mediterranean species. Very interesting in its zoogeographical character is the Ural Owl, for it is the only boreal element among the dealt with species and is in Slovenia considereda postglacial relic. The article also presents 93 species with a high share of European population in Slovenia (>=0.2%, the surface proportion between Europe and Slovenia being 0.2%). The author further states 3 reasons for such high share of the European population in such great number of species: (1) great habitat abd ecological diveristy as well as the geographical position of Slovenia (significant for specialised birds - which are in Europe distributed locally - in their selection of habitat, (2) relatively well preserved envionment allegedly rich with food (enables greaterdensities of certain (Abstract truncated at 2000 charac

Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:Društvo za opazovanje in proučevanje ptic Slovenije
Number of pages:Str. 241-248
Numbering:Letn. 21, št. 102/103
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-64181 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:0351-2851
COBISS.SI-ID:13128921 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Shortened title:Acrocephalus
Publisher:Društvo za opazovanje in proučevanje ptic Slovenije
COBISS.SI-ID:7679234 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Title:Bird populations of European significance in Slovenia
Članek obravnava ptice z evropsko pomembnim delom populacije (EPDP) v Sloveniji, pri katerih Evropski ornitološki atlas postavlja Slovenijo med 10 držav, v katerih gnezdi največji del evropske populacije. Takih vrst je 15, avtor pa posebej izpostavlja kozačo Strix uralensis, kot vrsto z največjim deležem pomembne evropske populacije v Sloveniji (2,1%), s populacijsko gostoto (1,23 para/100km2). Med vrstami z EPDP v Sloveniji prevladujejo toploljubne vrste (66,7%), glede na izbiro habitata pa negozdne vrste (73,3%).Gozdne vrste je avtor razdelil na toploljubne (1 vrsta) in hladnoljubne (2 vrsti), negozdne pa po višinski razširjenosti na nižinske (pod800m n.v.; 6 vrst), visokogorske (nad 1.500 m n.v.; 3 vrste) in višinsko-nižinske vrste (naseljujejo oba višinska pasova; 3 vrste, npr. kotorna Alectoris graeca). V zoogeografskem smislu prevladujejo vrste s sredozemskim tipom areala (93,3%), posebnost območja pa so alpsko-sredozemske vrste. Po zoogeografski oznaki je zanimiva kozača, saj je med obravnavanimi vrstami edini borealni element in je v Sloveniji postglacialni relikt. Članek predstavlja še 93 vrst z visokim deležem evropske populacije v Sloveniji (>=0,2%), saj je površinsko razmerje med Evropo in Slovenijo 0,2%. Avtor navaja tri vzroke za tako visok delež evropske populacije pri tako velikem številu vrst: (1) velika habitatna in ekološka pestrost ter lega Slovenije (pomen pri specialistih v izbiri habitata, ki so v Evropi lokalno razširjeni),(2) relativno dobro ohranjeno okolje, ki je domnevno bogato s hrano (omogoča večje gostote določenih vrst), in (3) nesorazmerno upadanje velikosti populacij ptic drugod po Evropi zaradi različnih dejavnikov (pomen pri splošno razširjenih vrstah). Metodološki vzrok v smislu napak pri ocenjevanju velikosti populacij avtor obravnava kot manj verjetnega. Avtor še razpravlja o pomenu varovanja zelo številnih in vitalnih populacij in o pomenuraziskav teh vrst v Sloveniji za potrebe uspešne naravovarstvene politike.

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