Selling prices of wood from Slovene state forests are decreasing at the same rate as on the European market. Exploitation costs per cubic meter of wood are decreasing and investments are not stable. Concession fees are also decreasing rapidly. In 2000 concession holders made 0,19% of the income of entire national economy. Labor costs in the structure of all expenditures have more than doubled. Profits reached 398 million SIT in the year 2000, but profits from operations were only about 280 million SIT. The value of means is 19 billion SIT, while the portion of shareholders’ capital is 79%. Added value per employee is 4,1 million SIT and is about 7% lower than in the national economy. Wages per employee are higher by 11% than in national economy, much higher than in the wood processing industry similar to the Forestry service and much lower then in the Agriculture Land and Forest Fund. The concession holders’ contribution to national budget is about two billion SIT.