
Cross compliance and nitrates directive in farming in Slovenia
ID Hrustel-Majcen, Marta (Author), ID Kos, Boštjan (Author)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:doc-F13F2C3S This link opens in a new window

Navzkrižna skladnost predstavlja serijo standardov, ki jih morajo kmetje izpolnjevati za pridobivanje neposrednih plačil. V Sloveniji se je v sklopu 1.stebra kmetijske politike navzkrižna skladnost pričela izvajati z letom 2005. Nitratna direktiva, ki je med ostalimi eden od standardov navzkrižne skladnosti, je z vstopom Slovenije v ES postala predpis, ki vnasa ukrepe in omejitve v kmetijsko dejavnost na celotnem državnem ozemlju. Prilagajanje standardom je zahteven in dolgotrajen proces, zato je Slovenija preko Programa razvoja podeželja za RS 2004-2006 izvajala ukrep "podpora izvajanju EU standardov na kmetijskih gospodarstvih", ki je kmetom omogočal pridobivanje sredstev, znanja in informacij potrebnih za hitrejšo in učinkovitejšo prilagoditev zahtevam obveznih standardov. Vključevanje kmetov v ukrep je bilo v letih 2004 in 2005 nepričakovano številčno, saj se je v posameznem letu v izvajanje ali prilagajanje standardom vključilo preko 25.000kmetijskih gospodarstev. Skupno stevilo kmetijskih gospodarstev, vključenih v ukrep v posameznem ali obeh letih pa je preseglo stevilo 33.000. Samo za izvajanje in prilagajanje standardu nitratne direktive je zahtevke za podporo oddalo preko 29.000 kmetijskih gospodarstev.

Keywords:agricultural policy, agricultural legislation, rural legislation, European Union, Slovenia, nitrates, farmenrs, direct payment, subsidies, nitrate directive, rural development
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:Biotehniška fakulteta
Number of pages:Str. 17-26
Numbering:Let. 87, Št. 1
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-59730 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:1581-9175
COBISS.SI-ID:4647801 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Acta agriculturae Slovenica
Shortened title:Acta agric. Slov.
Publisher:Biotehniška fakulteta
COBISS.SI-ID:213840640 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Title:Cross Compliance und Nitrat Direktive in der Slowenischen Landwirtschaft
Cross compliance represents a series of standards to be met by farmers for acquiring direct payments. In Slovenia, the implementation of cross compliancewas initiated within the framework of the first pillar of the agriculture policy in the year 2005. By Slovenias accession to the EU, the nitrates directive, as one of the cross compliance standards, has become a regulation introducing measures and restrictions into the agricultural activity in the entire national territory. Therefore, Slovenia has implemented, through the Rural Development Programme for the Republic of Slovenia 2004-2006, the measure "Implementation Support for the EU standards on agricultural holdings" enabling the farmers to acquire financial resources,knowledge and information necessary for a faster and effective adjustment to the requirements of the obligatory standards. The number of farmers engaging to the measure in 2004 and 2005 was unexpectedly high, since over 25,000 agricultural holdings engaged to the implementation of the standards or the adjustment to the standards in the each given year. The totalnumber of agricultural holdings participating in the measure in each or both given years was over 33,000. Alone for the implementation of the standards and the adjustment to the standards of the nitrates directive more than 29,000 agricultural holdings submitted application for acquiring support.

Keywords:nitratna direktiva, direktna plačila, navzkrižna skladnost, neposredna plačila, kmetijska politika, zakonodaja, nitrati, razvoj podeželja

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