
Carcass quality of autochthonous Cika cattle
ID Simčič, Mojca (Author), ID Čepon, Marko (Author), ID Žgur, Silvester (Author)

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The Cika cattle is the only Slovenian autochthonous cattle breed, counting around 1,600 animals in 2007. The breeding goal for Cika cattle is dual purpose with the emphasis on milk production. However, Cika cattle is mostly reared in the cow-calf system. To a smaller extent Cika cattle is still used for milk production in the traditional regions for Alpine dairy-farming. Our main interest was to get an insight into carcass quality of Cika cattle. The data used in this survey were collected in slaughterhouses in the years 2005 through 2007. Out of all slaughtered cattle in 2007 the share of slaughtered Cika cattle was 0.24%. According to the category, the slaughtered animlas were very heterogenic in carcass weight which is seen in rather large standard deviations. The average carcass weight of A category (bulls under 24 months of age) was 260.3 kg. The majority of bulls under 24 months of age and calves were classified in conformation class O (57.1 and 47.8%), whereas bulls over 24 months of age were mostly classified in the conformation class R. The majority of calves (88.1%), bulls under 24 months of age (55.8%) and bulls over 24 months of age (49.5%) were classified in fatness class 2. Most of Cika cattle are reared extensively on small farms, mostly on mountain pastures without any additional concentrates. This could present the basis and the opportunity for Cika breeders to promote beef from Cika cattle on the market and to increase their income. Autochthonous Cika is well adapted to the environment and helps to maintain biodiversity and sustainable agricultural production, especially in less favourable agricultural areas.

Keywords:cattle, autochthonous breeds, Cika, carcass quality, Slovenia
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:Biotehniška fakulteta
Number of pages:Str. 103-109
Numbering:Letn. 92, št. 2
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-57972 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:1581-9175
COBISS.SI-ID:2410376 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Acta agriculturae Slovenica
Shortened title:Acta agric. Slov.
Publisher:Biotehniška fakulteta
COBISS.SI-ID:213840640 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Title:Klavna kakovost avtohtonega cikastega goveda
Cika je edina avtohtona pasma govedi v Sloveniji, katere populacija je v letu 2007 štela okoli 1600 živali. Rejski cilj za cikasto govedo je kombinirana usmeritev s poudarkom na prireji mleka. Kljub temu, cikasto govedo redijo v večini primerov v sistemu krava-tele. V manjši meri pa pasmo še vedno uporabljajo za prirejo mleka v tradicionalnih regijah za planšarstvo. Glavni namen raziskave je bil dobiti vpogled v klavno kakovost cikastega goveda, kakor je bila ovrednotena na klavni liniji. Podatki uporabljeni v raziskavi so bili zbrani v klavnicah v letih od 2005 do 2007. Cikasto govedo je v letu 2007 predstavljalo le 0,24 % vsega zaklanega goveda v Sloveniji. Zaklano govedo po kategorijah je bilo zelo heterogeno (raznoliko) v masi klavnih polovic, kar je vidno v precej velikih standardnih odklonih. Povprečna masa klavnega trupa kategorije A (biki do starosti 24 mesecev) je bila 260,3 kg. Večina bikov starih do 24 mesecev in telet je bila razvrščena v O razred za mesnatost (57,1 % in 47,8 %), medtem ko so bili biki starejši od 24 mesecev večinoma razvrščeni v R razred za mesnatost. Večina telet (88,1 %), bikov starih do 24 mesecev (55,8 %) in bikov starih nad 24 mesecev (49,5 %) je bilo razvrščeno v razred 2 za zamaščenost. Cikasto govedo večinoma redijo ekstenzivno na majhnih kmetijah, pogosto na planinskih pašnikih brez dodajanja močnih krmil. To bi lahko bila priložnost za rejce cikastega goveda za promocijo govedine cikaste pasme na tržišču z namenom povečanja dohodka. Avtohtona cika je zelo prilagojena na okolje in pomaga ohraniti biodiverziteto in sonaravno kmetijsko proizvodnjo, še posebno na marginalnih območjih.

Keywords:govedo, avtohtone pasme, cika, klavna kakovost, Slovenija

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