
Vloga nacionalnih parlamentov pri oblikovanju nacionalnih interesov v procesu globalizacije in vstopanja v EU
ID Zajc, Drago (Author)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://dk.fdv.uni-lj.si/tip/tip20024Zajc.PDF This link opens in a new window

Za EU je značilen asimetrični način povezovanja, ki postavlja nacionalne parlamente v podrejen položaj. Na ravni EU so bila oblikovana posebna področjaoblikovanja politik in posebni postopki 'sui generis' sprejemanja odločitev, v katerih nacionalni parlament ne more neposredno sodelovati. Nacionalni parlamenti držav članic so morali zato prilagoditi svoje načine delovanj. Temu položaju se sedaj hitro približujejo parlamenti držav kandidatk, ki so v kratkem času svojega obstoja morali opraviti izredno obsežno delo, saj proces prehoda še ni povsem končan. Slovenski državni zbor ima pri vključevanju od vseh parlamentov držav kandidatk srednje Evrope zelo pomembno vlogo, saj razpravlja o vseh pogajalskih izhodiščih in jih potrjuje. Delo, povezano z vključevanjem v EU, se ni osredotočilo le v enem delovnem telesu (Komisiji za evropske zadeve), ampak vključuje vse poslance. Pri tem jevelikega pomena soglasje vseh glavnih parlamentarnih strank. Prilagajanje uspešno poteka na različnih ravneh, od posameznih delovnih teles do plenarnih zasedanj, v njem pa intenzivno sodelujejo posamezni poslanci, poslanske skupine in vodstvo državnega zbora. Zajelo je različne formalne in neformalne načine. Posebej koristna je posodobitev procesa odločanja (sprejetje novega poslovnika), prenova služb državnega zbora in ustanovitev raziskovalnega sektorja. Glavna pomanjkljivost pri prilagajanju je premajhno zavedanje dejanske zahtevnosti delovanja državnega zbora v razmerah polnopravnega članstva.

Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Number of pages:Str. 669-690
Numbering:Let.39, št.4
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-5711 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:0040-3598
COBISS.SI-ID:21375069 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Teorija in praksa : revija za družbena vprašanja
Shortened title:Teor. praksa
Publisher:Fakulteta za družbene vede
COBISS.SI-ID:763652 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

The EU is a result of the long asymmetric political and economic integration process of the states of Western Europe. It was promoted and monitored by political elites and national executives while national parliaments played a secondary role in the designing of this process or in the modelling of the supra national institutions on which substantial parts of the legislative activity were to be transmitted. Parliaments of the applicant states have to adapt quickly to the their new roles. One of such parliaments is National Assembly of Slovenia which is confirming all negotiation positions, discussingall key documents and passing great number of the 'European' laws (164 until December 2001), besides ratifications of international treaties (290). One of the main steps in the process of its adaptation was made by passing of the new Rules of Procedure (April 2002) permitting much faster adoption of legislation needed for the harmonization of the Slovenian regulations and the Acquis. The National Assembly has early established its European Affairs Commission (1996), which is coordinating all activities connected with the accession of Slovenia and has developed a cooperative relationship with the EP through COSAC. Besides these highly formalized relations, a whole network of personal contacts among the Slovene MPS and MPs in other European parliaments and in EP has been established through the linksbetween particular political parties and their counterparts or main 'families' of political parties in the EP. National Assembly has also made substantial improvements in its organization, enlarging professional staff, establishing its own Research Department (1998). It is believed that the Slovenian National Assembly has been sufficiently effective in the process of accession. One of the main hindrances in this process was a persistence of thesimplistic attitudes towards the role of national parliament in general anda lack of understanding of real demands and new burdens individual parliamentarians will have to meet after Slovenia's entrance - the need for the increase of the number of Slovene MPs has been recognized only recently.


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