
Pravo in politika
ID Novak, Marko (Author)

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Avtor obravnava problem prepletanja in ločevanja med pravom in politiko. Še do nedavnega so sociološke in marksistične kritike pojmovne jurisprudence ter njihova naslednika pravni realizem in ameriška šola Critical Legal Studies poudarjali precešsnjo povezanost med pravom in politiko. Se več, v svoji radikalni različici so predvsem slednji menili, da naj bi bilo pravo le sredstvo ideološkega boja. To je bil namreč prispevek k dekonstrukciji prava. Avtor pa meni, da je naslednji korak od dekonstrukcije ponovna vzpostavitev temeljev prava oz. najti tiste elemente, ki pomenijo njegovo relativno avtonomnost. Takšen pogled namreč sovpada s procesi revitalizacije in ponovne aktualizacije klasične vloge prava v vzhodni ter srednji Evropi. Tako uporabi zgodovinski, fenomenološki ter epistemološki kriterij, da ponazori vsaj delno ločenost prava od politike, če je že njuna popolna ločenost ni možna.

Keywords:ideologija, avtonomija
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Number of pages:Str. 331-345
Numbering:Letn. 39, št. 3
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-5646 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:0040-3598
COBISS.SI-ID:21209949 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Teorija in praksa : revija za družbena vprašanja
Shortened title:Teor. praksa
Publisher:Fakulteta za družbene vede
COBISS.SI-ID:763652 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

The author discusses the problem of intertwining and separation between law and politics. Until recently the sociological and Marxist critiques of conceptual jurisprudence, as well as their offspring Legal Realists and the Critical Legal Studies School, have emphasized a close connection and interdependence between law and politics. Moreover, in their radical version,the latter school saw law only as a tool in the hands of different ideological actors. This was, therefore, a contribution to the deconstruction of law. However, the author believes that a further step is to be made from such deconstruction towards rebuilding the very foundations of law, i.e. finding those elements which constitute its relative autonomy. Such view doescorrespond to the modern trends in Eastern and Central Europe, attempting to revitalize law and re-discover its classical role. Thus, the author uses the historical, phenomenological and epistemological criteria in order to demonstrate that the phenomena of law and politics can nevertheless be viewed as separated even if their complete separation can never be achieved.

Keywords:ideology, autonomy

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