The article presents a pilot study of academic milieu (the case of Faculty of Social Sciences) and the way in which the system of paternalistic domination and the role of emotions in construction and re/production of power are established in academic institution. According to the authors, domination is possible to detect mainly through communicative and interactive practices, which replace classic, behavioural and explicated ways of domination and marginalisation (i.e. domination at the level of discursive consciousness. They believe that linguistic and emotional economy of academic institutions orthe so-called hidden transcripts of power have to be analysed in order to detect 'deep power structure' in the modern academic institution. On the basisof in-depth interviews with the university teachers they found out that academic institutions are not a neutral milieu of equal members but fields of re/production of relations and structures of domination mainly along two axes: gender (female-male) and generation hierarchy which constitutes differences between biological and social age. Classic paternalistic domination of previous academic institutions is replaced by 'informal' domination, which 'naturalises' particular, partial forms of rationality and defines them as universal and as a part of self-understood semantic formation which structures life in organisation.