Temperature and time of pressing have an influence on the quality of adhesive bond when coating the board with veneer. Usually urea-formaldehyde adhesives are used for bonding, but since these adhesives contain formaldehyde, polyvinyl acetate adhesive was used in the research. Conducting experiments, particleboards and fibreboards were coated with oak veneers and identical pressing parameters were maintained for both types of adhesives. For a better comparison between different types of adhesives, 2 different brands were used for each type. To find the best bonding results different temperatures and pressing times were tested. Bonding quality was measured conforming to SIST EN311 standard by using a universal testing machine. We found out that proper time and temperature ranges were used as most of the tested board and veneer adhesive bonds would still hold. Thus we concluded that exchange of urea-formaldehyde adhesive with polyvinyl acetate adhesive can be done while maintaining a similar quality of adhesive bond. Since both adhesive types have similar gluing characteristics, the exchange does not cause any further complications. Still, an important factor to be considered is the conditioning time, especially for polyvinyl acetate adhesive bonds.