
Navlaževanje elementov zunanjih podov v odvisnosti od njihove konstrukcije : diplomsko delo - univerzitetni študij
ID Jene, Jurij (Author), ID Hrovatin, Jasna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Petrič, Marko (Reviewer)

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MD5: D5FEE1464C4751E6688CB1EED2374EF4
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a7e5f34d-5732-491d-95d3-c6cb03a6d10c

Proučevali smo navlaževanje elementov zunanjih podov glede na njihovo konstrukcijo. Želeli smo ugotoviti količino vpite vode ter s tem vpliv navlaževanja na dimenzijsko stabilnost lesa na različne načine pritrjevanja lesa. Metodi preskušanja sta bili SIST EN 927-5 in umetno pospešeno staranje (UPS). Ugotovili smo, da je vijačenje s sprednje strani s silikoniranjem neprimeren način pritrjevanja. Zaradi slabega tesnjenja silikona in povečanega deleža čelnega lesa zaradi izvrtine, je delež vpite vode povečan. Vijačenje z zadnje strani se obnese zelo dobro, saj je količina vpite vode najnižja, vendar v praksi ta način pritrjevanja ni vedno izvedljiv. Z metodo UPS smo prikazali in analizirali praktične spremembe na lesenem podu. Med UPS so se deske poda krivile, spreminjale dimenzije in barvo. Z rezultati izpostavitve UPS nismo mogli ugotoviti prednosti posameznih sistemov pritrjevanja. Poleg tega smo z obema metodama testirali tudi vzorce lesno-polimernega kompozita. Ugotovili smo, da ima dobro dimenzijsko stabilnost in veliko nižjo vpojnost vode kot vzorci iz masivnega lesa.

Keywords:les, zunanji podi, konstrukcija, pritrjevanje, absorpcija vode
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Jene]
Number of pages:VII, 43 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-515 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1817481 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Moisturizing of elements in external decks in regard to their construction : graduation thesis - university studies
Wetting of elements of external decks was researched with regard to their construction. The main goal was to determine the quantity of absorbed water and in this way to assess the influence of wetting on wood dimension stability in regard to fixation. The test methods were the SIST EN 927-5 and the artificially accelerated aging. It turned out that the front side screwed together with siliconizing is an inefficient way of fixation. Due to in efficient silicon sealing and an increased portion of the front wood from the borehole, the volume of absorbed water increases. Backside screwing proved to be very efficient, since in this case, the volume of absorbed water was the smallest. Unfortunately, this way of fixation cannot always be carried out in real situations. Using the method of artificially accelerated aging, noticeable changes on the wooden deck were exhibited and analysed. The boards of the decks bent and changed dimensions as well as colour. However, it was not possible to find out the pros of individual fixation systems on the basis of final results of artificially accelerated aging. Furthermore, both methods were used to test and analyse the samples made of a wood-polymer composite. The material demonstrated good dimension stability and considerably lower water absorption compared to absorption of solid wood.

Keywords:wood, construction, fixation, water absorption

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