
Analiza vpliva spremenljivih geometrijskih značilnosti obdelovalnega orodja na morfološke značilnosti obdelanih površin vlaknatega kompozita : diplomsko delo - visokošolski strokovni študij
ID Rudolf, Uroš (Author), ID Bučar, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gornik Bučar, Dominika (Reviewer)

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MD5: 55E2B2D602EA5D6643A3EA9837456E6D
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/3945f270-2668-43af-b110-cd1e277c3c28

Vlaknati kompoziti v pohištveni industriji predstavljajo vse večji delež materialov, uporabljanih za izdelavo pohištva. Zaradi njihove specifične zgradbe se pri strojni obdelavi srečujemo s problemi, povezanimi s hrapavostjo površine. Zato smo proučevali vpliv geometrije orodja na morfologijo obdelanih površin. Zasnovali in izdelali smo primerno geometrijsko prilagodljivo orodje in z njim izvedli poizkuse na robovih MDF plošč. Ugotavljali smo, kaj se dogaja z obdelano površino in obrabo orodja. Površino vzorcev smo pregledali z napravo Mitutoyo SJ-301 po standardih za merjenje hrapavosti DIN 4768 in ISO 4287/1. Rezultati primerjav med MDF-om in bukovino so pokazali, da obstaja korelacija med geometrijo prsnega kota in hrapavostjo površine, da se z naraščanjem prsnega kota hrapavost površine manjša. Ker obrabe rezila nismo zaznali preko hrapavosti obdelane površine, smo obrabo rezalnega robu pregledali pod mikroskopom. Ugotovili smo, da prsni kot pri 25 ° najbolj obrabi orodje; primeren prsni kot za obdelavo vlaknastih kompozitov je nekje od 10 ° do 15 °.

Keywords:MDF plošča, geometrija orodja, obraba orodja, hrapavost površine
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Rudolf]
Number of pages:XII, 55 f., [18] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-469 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1781129 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Impact analysis of variable geometric cutting tool features on morphological characteristics of the machined surfaces of the fibreboard composites : graduation thesis - higher professional studies
Fibreboard composites represent an increasing share of the materials used to manufacture furniture. At machining processing, due to their specific structure, we have problems related to the surface roughness. We examined how geometry of tools affected the morphology of treated surfaces and that of tool life. Appropriate geometric flexible tool was designed and manufactured tocarry out experiments at the edges of MDF boards, and to identify what was happening with the surface and tool wear. The surface was examined with Mitutoyo SJ-301 device according to standards for measuring the roughness of DIN 4768 and ISO 4287/1. The results of comparative tests between the MDF and beech show that there is a correlation between the geometry of rake angle and the surface roughness, increasing the rake angle reduces the surface roughness. As we did not detect the wear of the blade through the roughness of the processed surface, we inspected the wear of the cutting edge under microscope. We came to the conclusion that the rake angle of 25 ° causes the largest abrasion of tool. The most appropriate rake angle for treatment of fibreboard composites is somewhere between 10 ° to 15 °.

Keywords:medium density fibreboard, tool geometry, tool wear, surface roughness

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