
Zanesljivost ugotavljanja volumna dreves in lesne zaloge sestojev z enoparametrskimi funkcijami in stratifikacijo : doktorska disertacija
ID Kušar, Gal (Author), ID Hočevar, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 6B7020C7F8786FA85C3F46BF63216E85
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c285d708-3b00-4e2e-b735-c52f8375a8b7

Za ugotavljanje lesne zaloge sestojev v Sloveniji uporabljamo enovhodne volumenske funkcije - prilagojene enotne francoske (PEF) tarife. Namen disertacije je ugotoviti, kako zanesljive so enovhodne volumenske funkcije za ugotavljanje lesne zaloge sestojev, in raziskati možnosti njihove izboljšave sstratifikacijo. Na podlagi ocene pravega volumna dreves (vn), izraunanega s pomojo sekcijskih meritev (Newtonov obrazec), smo za drevesne vrste smreko, jelko in bukev izdelali regionalne trovhodne (prsni premer (d), višina drevesa(h) in premer na 7 metrih višine (d7)), dvovhodne (d in h) in lokalne enovhodne (d) volumenske funkcije (tarife) ter preverili njihovo zanesljivost.Na primeru vzornih ploskev v dveh GGE smo drevesom izmerili vhodne parametre d, h in d7 in s pomojo regionalnih trovhodnih volumenskih funkcij izraunali referenne volumne dreves (vr). Analizirali smo vpliv bonitete rastiša, razvojne faze, drevesne vrste in vpliv socialnega položaja na zanesljivost ocene volumna dreves. Iz referennih volumnov dreves smo izraunali regionalne dvovhodne volumenske funkcije (d in h). Z njimi smo izraunali volumne dreves (vrr) in za posamezne stratume (drevesna vrsta, razvojna faza, rastiše) izraunali lokalne tarife (d). Preverili smo zanesljivost treh metod uporabe tarif. Po sedaj izbranih PEF tarifah ocena povprenega volumna drevesa odstopa od referenne povpreno za -5,7 % (-16,7 do e vrsto in razred PEF tarif izberemo optimalno, na podlagi lokalne tar19,5 %).

Keywords:gozdarstvo, volumen dreves, lesna zaloga, volumenske funkcije, zanesljivost ugotavljanja, stratifikacija
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[G. Kušar]
Number of pages:XXI, 243 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-43 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1853606 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

In Slovenia one parametrical volume functions, adapted uniform French (AUF) tariffs, are used in order to determine stands growing stock. The purpose of the dissertation is to establish the reliability of tariffs for estimating stands growing stock and to investigate the possibilities of their improvementwith stratification. On the basis of true tree volume estimates (vn), calculated by means of section measurements (Newton method) regional three parametrical (diameter (d), tree height (h), diameter at 7 m tree height(d7)), regional two parametrical (d and h), and local one parametrical (d) volume functions (tariffs) were created for the tree species of spruce, fir and beech. The reliability of the functions was also tested. Trees at sampling plots in two forest units were measured in terms of dendrometric parameters d, h, d7 and later reference tree volumes (vr) were calculated by means of regional three parametric volume functions. The influence of site condition, developmental stage, tree species and height class on the reliability of tree volume estimate was analyzed. From reference tree volumes regional two parametrical volume functions (d and h) were calculated for both locations and all three tree species. They were further used to calculate regional reference tree volumes (vrr) and local tariffs (d) for individual strata (tree species, developmental stage, site). The reliability of three tariff application methods (existing, optimally selected and local tariffs) was examined. According to the existing AUF tariffs the mean tree volume estimate deviates from the reference by -5.7 % on average (from -16.7 to 19.5 %). According to the optimally selected AUF tariffs the mean tree volume estimate deviates from the reference by 0.1 % on average (from -0.8 to 2.2 %).On the other hand the mean tree volume estimate according to the local tariffs deviates from the reference by -0.1 % on average (from -0.3 to 0.2 %).Tariffs are therefore reliable enough for calculating growing stock estimates if they are suitably selected for a homogenous site stratum. The existing estimate of biomass quantity is unreliable due to its grounds in unreliable growing stock estimates and unconfirmed conversion/expansion factors.

Keywords:forestry, tree volume, growing stock, volume functions, stratification

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