
The profitability of P.G. 600 in well managed sow herd
ID Kastelic, Miran (Author), ID Košorok, Stane (Author)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://aas.bf.uni-lj.si/zootehnika/98-2011/PDF/98-2011-1-143-148.pdf This link opens in a new window

Adequate results in reproduction are one of the key points for successful pig production. P.G. 600, a combination of pregnant mare serum gonadotropine and human chorionic gonadotropine is used as oestrus promoter on many pig farms. The profitability of P.G. 600 treatment was tested on primiparous sows on well managed farm with 2.500 sows and 14.04 liveborn piglets per litter. The experiment lasted for a period of one year. The experimental group, 502 animals, was treated with P.G. 600 at weaning of the first litter. Control group, 503 animals, was not treated. Data were evaluated according to four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The costs of feed, sow depreciation, building, labour and P.G. 600 treatment in experimental group were calculated for the period from weaning to successful insemination or fromweaning to culling. In P.G. 600 group production costs were lower in spring (-0.68 EUR per born piglet) and in summer (-0.88 EUR per born piglet), but not in autumn (+0.05 EUR per born piglet) and in winter (+0.46 EUR per born piglet). The calculated total benefit on the farm with yearly production of 65 thousand 30 kg pigs was 3,249 EUR. Calculated benefit for only spring and summer use was 4.937 EUR. The last number represents only 0.15 to 0.19% of estimated turnover of the farm. The use of P.G. 600 on well managed farm will not increase profitability of production.

Keywords:pigs, primiparous sows, reproduction, oestrus, promoters, profitability
Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Number of pages:Str. 143-148
Numbering:Letn. 98, št. 2
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-36547 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:1581-9175
COBISS.SI-ID:2983304 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Acta agriculturae Slovenica
Shortened title:Acta agric. Slov.
Publisher:Biotehniška fakulteta
COBISS.SI-ID:213840640 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Primerni rezultati reprodukcije so ključnega pomena za uspešno prašičerejsko proizvodnjo. P.G. 600, ki je kombinacija serumskega gonadotopina brejih kobil in človeškega horionskega gonadotropina, se pogosto uporablja kot spodbujevalec estrusa. Gospodarnost uporabe P.G. 600 smo preizkusili na svinjah prvesnicah na dobro vodenem obratu z 2.500 svinjami in 14,04 živorojenimi pujski po gnezdu. Poskus je trajal eno leto. Poskusno skupino, 502 živali, smo tretirali s P.G. 600 ob odstavitvi prvega gnezda. Kontrolne skupine, 503 živali, nismo tretirali. Podatke smo obdelali po štirih letnih sezonah: pomlad, poletje, jesen in zima. Stroške za krmo, amortizacijo svinje in objektov ter opreme, dela in tretiranja s P.G. 600 v poskusni skupini smo ocenili za obdobje od odstavitve do uspešne osemenitve ali do izločitve. Stroški v skupini, tretirani z P.G. 600, so bili nižji spomladi (-0,68 EUR po rojenem pujsku) in poleti (Ž0,88 EUR po rojenem pujsku), ne pa jeseni (+0,05 EUR) in pozimi (+0,46 EUR). Na farmi z letno proizvodnjo 65 tisoč 30 kg težkih pujskov so se stroški znižali za 3.249 EUR. Če bi preparat uporabljali le spomladi in poleti, bi privarčevali 4.973 EUR. To predstavlja le 0,15 do 0,19 % letnega prihodka farme. Uporaba P.G. 600 na dobro vodenem obratu ne bi izboljšala gospodarnosti.

Keywords:prašiči, svinje, prvesnice, reprodukcija, estrus, spodbujevalci, gospodarnost

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