
Dvig konkurenčnosti v stolarni : diplomsko delo - visokošolski strokovni študij
ID Salopek, Nenad (Author), ID Oblak, Leon (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kropivšek, Jože (Reviewer)

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MD5: 103BB793C9DD6C99CE3EA5F542004283
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/7f0d9072-e356-4570-bf15-e3faaf9a5638

Analizirali smo obstoječe stanje v podjetju Novoles d.d., PC Drobno pohištvo in identificirali priložnosti za izboljšave na področju produktivnosti in stroškovne učinkovitosti. Orodja in tehnike, ki smo jih pri tem uporabili, so bila SIPOC, Process Map, Layout, vrednostna analiza in analiza prodaje. Po vsaki opravljeni analizi z omenjenimi orodji in tehnikami smo predlagali tudi potrebne ukrepe za spremljanje uspešnosti proizvodnje in prodaje. Pri pripravi SIPOC diagrama smo ugotovili, da ni na voljo podatkov o vhodih in izhodih za posamezni korak procesa. To pomeni, da je proces nenadzorovan. Vzpostavili smo spremljanje nekaterih kazalnikov, ki nam dajo informacijo o produktivnosti in izboljšanju izkoriščanja surovin. Layout analiza je pokazala, da je v podjetju velika količina zalog; še posebej zaskrbljujoča je zaloga končnih izdelkov. Visoke zaloge so za podjetje neugodne s stališča negativnega finančnega učinka, dolgih pretočnih časov in vpliva na kakovost. Z vrednostno analizo smo ugotovili, da je pretočnost procesa slaba, kar vpliva na težave pri planiranju. Velika količina zalog je tudi posledica pogostih dodelav in predelav. Prodajna analiza na domačem in tujem trgu prikazuje, da se med 10 najbolj prodajanimi izdelki prodajajo tudi taki, ki nimajo pokritja. To pomeni, da se prodajajo pod lastno ceno. Očitno je, da podjetje nima jasno definirane strategije in politike cen ter dela "vse za vsakogar", ne glede na to ali pri tem posluje z dobičkom ali izgubo.

Keywords:stolarna, SIPOC diagram, analiza prodaje, procesna mapa, layout, vrednostna analiza
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Salopek]
Number of pages:XI, 48 f., [14] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-350 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1704329 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.07.2014
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Secondary language

Title:Rise of competitiveness chair production department : graduation thesis - higher professional studies
Thesis analyses the existing situation of the Novoles Company, and identifies opportunities for improvements in the area of productivity and cost-effectiveness. The tools and techniques used were: SIPOC, Process Map, Layout, Value Analysis and Sales Analysis. After each analysis, proposals were made of measures necessary to ensure control of production performance and sales effectiveness. Preparing the SIPOC diagram, we found out that data on inputs and outputs for individual steps of the process were not available, which showed that the process was uncontrolled. The monitoring of certain indicators was introduced, by which we could obtain information on productivity and improvements in exploitation of raw materials. The Layout Analysis showed that there were large amounts of stock. What was of particular concern was the quantity of final products. High levels of stock are in fact adverse for the company, especially in terms of negative financial effects, flow-time length and impacts on quality. Value Analysis showed that process flow was inadequate, which affected the process of planning. Large amounts of stock were the result of numerous transformations and after-treatments of the products. Sales Analysis of the domestic and foreign markets showed that there were products without cost-recovery to be found among the 10 most-sold ones. These mean that products are sold below their cost price. Generally the analysis of the existing situation shows that the company lacks a clearly defined strategy and policy of pricing, and practically produces "everything for everyone", regardless of whether it meansits profit or loss.

Keywords:chair production, SIPOC diagram, sales analysis, process map, layout, value analysis

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