
Projektiranje lesene brvi čez Savo Bohinjko pri Bohinjski Bistrici : diplomska naloga
ID Suzić, Luka (Author), ID Lopatič, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 55E3D24E3045FB8EBED9219E933E4B51
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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0c0cee8b-d2d6-4957-b61c-b8f5cad4ed37

V diplomski nalogi je sprojektirana lesena brv čez Savo Bohinjko pri Bohinjski Bistrici. Po začetnem delu o zgodovini lesenih mostov sledi kratek opis brvi in njene lokacije. Nato so predstavljeni vsi materiali, ki so uporabljeni za izgradnjo brvi, in njihove lastnosti. V nadaljevanju so v skladu s standardi Evrokod določeni vplivi na konstrukcijo in kombinacije vplivov. Nato je izvedena optimizacija razmerja razdalj med podporami z namenom poenotenja ekstremov upogibnih momentov po celotnem glavnem nosilcu. Z uporabno računalniškega programa Tower 6 nato izvedemo statično in modalno analizo konstrukcije in dobimo notranje statične količine. Dobljene notranje statične količine uporabimo za dimenzioniranje glavnih konstrukcijskih elementov in spojev med njimi. Brv je sestavljena iz dveh vzporednih lesenih lepljenih nosilcev, ki sta na konceh ravna, v sredini pa ukrivljena v radiju 180 m. Lesena lepljena nosilca iz lepljenega lameliranega lesa, kvalitete Gl28h, sta povezana s prečniki iz masivnega lesa, kvalitete D60. Čez prečnike so nato položeni sekundarni vzdolžni nosilci iz lepljenega lameliranega lesa Gl28h, preko katerih so drug do druge položene podnice iz lesa, kvalitete D60. Horizontalno togost konstrukciji dodatno daje horizontalno jekleno povezje med prečniki. Vsi elementi se med seboj povezujejo preko spojev z jeklenimi pločevinami in različnimi veznimi sredstvi.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, brv, Sava Bohinjka, določitev obtežb za brv, statična analiza, dimenzioniranje konstrukcijskih elementov, leseni lepljeni nosilci, vezna sredstva
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Suzić]
Number of pages:XII, 95 str., 2 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32750 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:6988129 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Design of timber footbridge across river Sava Bohinjka near Bohinjska Bistrica
In this thesis the design of timber footbridge across river Sava Bohinjka near Bohinjska Bistrica is presented. In the introduction the historical description of the development of the timber bridges is done, followed by description of the footbridge and its location. Afterwards, materials used on the construction and their material properties are presented. Action on footbridge and their combinations are written in accordance with Eurocod standards. An optimization of the ratio of spans is made to unify bending moments across main beams. Statical and modal analysis is made with computer program Tower 6 to get internal forces of construction, which are used to design sections of main constructional elements and joints between them. The construction contains of two parallel glued laminated timber beams which are straight at endings and curved with radius 180 m in the middle. Glued laminated timber beams are made from timber GL28h and are connected with cross-beams made from D60 quality timber. On the top of crossbeams, secondary longitudinal beams made from glued laminated Gl28h timber are laid. Secondary crossbeams made from D60 quality timber are laid on secondary longitudinal beams. Horizontal stiffness is provided with steel truss located between the crossbeams. All constructional elements are connected with steel plates and different fasteners.

Keywords:graduation thesis, civil engineering, footbridge, river Sava Bohinjka, actions on footbridge construction, static analysis, load-bearing elements design, glue laminated timber beam, fasteners

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