V diplomski nalogi je opisano upoštevanje stvarnih pravic pri zemljiškokatastrski izmeri ali izmeri ob spremembah v katastru stavb in seznanitev s pravnim stanjem nepremičnine v zemljiški knjigi. Podane so novosti vpisa v zemljiško knjigo, ki so se uveljavile z novelo zakona o zemljiški knjigi. Poseben poudarek je na stavbni pravici, stvarni služnosti in zastavni pravici, kjer so predstavljene pomanjkljivosti vpisov in opisani problemi na praktičnih primerih. Nepremičnina obremenjena s katero od teh stvarnih pravic lahko prinese dodatne ovire pri izmeri.
Language: | English |
Title: | The consideration of property rights during the recording in the register of the land and buildings cadastre |
Abstract: |
This diploma describes the consideration of property rights for the land cadastre register surveying and the measuring during the changes in the buildings cadastre register. It also describes the legal situation of real estate in the land registry. The new land registry law amendment has brought novelties to the land registration. I accentuate superficies, real easement and lien and present the defects of the single registrations. The issues are supported with practical examples. Real estate that is burdened with any of the stated property rights may present an obstacle for measuring.
Keywords: | geodesy, land cadastre, buildings cadastre, land registry, properietary right, mortgage, land debt, easement, right of encumbrance, right of superficies |