
Spreminjanje namenske rabe prostora s primerjavo podatkov občinskih prostorskih načrtov na primeru občine Litija in Zagorje ob Savi : diplomska naloga
ID Požun, Toja (Author), ID Foški, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zavodnik Lamovšek, Alma (Comentor)

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MD5: 613695A3A142CEB38E7F4E36CA23FBCE
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/4d7faf18-6fb6-463d-bcac-a2a2c1c91ae4

V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena zakonodaja s področja urejanja prostora med leti 1984 in 2010. Opredeljeni so prostorski akti, njihova delitev in hierarhična urejenost. Podrobneje so predstavljeni odloki o spremembah in dopolnitvah prostorskih sestavin dolgoročnega in družbenega plana in o občinskem prostorskem načrtu za občini Litija in Zagorje ob Savi. Glavni cilj diplomske naloge je raziskati in primerjati osnovno namensko rabo prostora ter podrobno namensko rabo prostora za vodilna naselja v obeh občinah. Opisan je metodološki pristop za izdelavo primerjave namenske rabe prostora občin, nato pa je opisno in grafično prikazana primerjava in prevedba kategorij namenske rabe prostora iz Pravilnika o pripravi prostorskih sestavin dolgoročnih in srednjeročnih družbenih planov občin v digitalni obliki (2003) na kategorije iz Pravilnika o vsebini, obliki in načinu priprave OPN ter pogojih za določitev območij sanacij razpršene gradnje in območij za razvoj in širitev naselij (2007 Prikazane so tudi gospodarske, kmetijske in demografske značilnosti obravnavanih občin, ki posredno vplivajo na namensko rabo prostora in s tem tudi na rezultate primerjalne analize. V zaključnem delu diplomske naloge je prikazana analiza površin osnovne in podrobne namenske rabe prostora glede na število prebivalcev v obeh občinah in njunih vodilnih naseljih. Prikazana je primerjava obsegov osnovne namenske rabe prostora na prebivalca v naseljih in občinah. Ugotovljeno je, katere kategorije namenske rabe prostora so se spremenile, za koliko in na račun katerih kategorij.

Keywords:geodezija, diplomska dela, VSŠ, TUN, občinski prostorski akti, prostorska zakonodaja, osnovna namenska raba, podrobna namenska raba, Občina Litija, Občina Zagorje ob Savi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Požun]
Number of pages:XVI, 70 str., 3 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32579 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5938529 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Modification of the land use with the comparison of municipal spatial planningact data on the example of the municipalities of Litija and Zagorje obSavi
This diploma thesis discusses the spatial planning legislation between 1984 and 2010; it defines the spatial planning acts, their division and hierarchy. In more detail, are presented ordinances amending the spatial components of the long-term plan and municipal spatial plan for municipalities Litija and Zagorje ob Savi. The main objective of the thesis was to investigate and compare the basic and detailed land use leading to settlements in both municipalities. The diploma thesis also describes the methodological approach for the comparison of the land use of the municipalities. It shows the comparison and transformation of land use categories, which are also displayed graphically, from the Rules on the drawing-up of the spatial components of the medium and long-term social plans of municipalities in a digital form (2003) in categories from the Rules on the content, format and drawing-up of a municipal spatial plan and on criteria for specifying dispersed settlement areas in need of restoration and for specifying areas for new settlements (2007). Furthermore, it shows the economic, agricultural and demographic characteristics of the discussed municipalities, which have an indirect effect on land use and results of the analysis. At the end of the thesis is displayed the surfaces analysis of the basic and detailed land use, according to the number of residents in both municipalities and their leading settlements. A comparison of volume basic land use of residents in settlements and both municipalities is shown. It is determined which land use categories were changed, for how much and at the expense of which categories.

Keywords:graduation thesis, geodesy, TUN, municipal spatial planning act, spatial planning legislation, basic land use, detailed land use, municipality Litija, municipality Zagorje ob Savi

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