
Razvoj večkriterijskega modela za celovito ocenjevanje stanovanjskih enot : magistrsko delo
ID Kne, Anžej (Author), ID Šelih, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: B39ACE5EDAD125720F4C150FBB3D188C
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/6ae178e9-2af5-49e0-bcd3-63861e9e72ae

Slovenski nepremičninski trg, še zlasti stanovanjski, je v zadnjih dveh desetletjih doţivljal velike spremembe. Zaradi povečane kupne moči in potreb kupcev je za to obdobje značilno predvsem izjemno povečanje obsega gradnje. Opisani pojav lahko vodi k nezadovoljivi kakovosti gradbenih objektov. V magistrskem delu obravnavamo kakovost stanovanjskih enot z vidika potencialnih kupcev, ki ţelijo vedeti, kaj lahko pričakujejo za svoj denar. V zvezi s tem identificiramo tiste zahteve kupcev oz. lastnosti stanovanjskih enot, zaradi katerih potencialni kupci po njih povprašujejo in ki torej predstavljajo kakovost stanovanjske enote. Za določitev nivoja kakovosti posamezne stanovanjske enote uporabimo večkriterijski model, ki ga sestavljajo hierarhično razdeljeni kriteriji (parametri) v štirih nivojih. Na prvem nivoju nastopa pet glavnih kriterijev: lokacija, arhitektura, tehnična kakovost, bivalno ugodje ter energetska učinkovitost. Lokacija izraţa vpliv okolice na stanovanjsko enoto in ker je praviloma ne moremo bistveno spreminjati, jo obravnavamo kot vrsto nepremičninskega potenciala. Arhitektura kot dodana vrednost stavbi je prav tako predpogoj za prijetno in kakovostno bivanje. Tehnična kakovost, bivalno ugodje ter energetska učinkovitost pa predstavljajo stavbno materijo, katere kakovost se prepozna po tehnološkem napredku. S pomočjo večkriterijskega modela za posamezno stanovanjsko enoto določimo skupno oceno na osnovi stopenjske lestvice, ki izraţa doseţen nivo lastnosti stanovanjske enote. Dobljeni rezultati so medsebojno primerljivi ne glede na vrsto stanovanjske enote. Stopnje so definirane tako, da s stopnjo 1 ocenimo stanje, ki praviloma izpolnjuje zahteve veljavne slovenske zakonodaje, zgornja meja ocenjevanja (stopnja 5) pa je največkrat določena na osnovi meril, ki jih utemeljimo v magistrskem delu. Uporabnost predlaganega modela prikaţemo na dveh izbranih primerih stanovanjskih enot v večstanovanjskem objektu ter izvedeni parametrični analizi. V prvem primeru se stanovanjska enota nahaja v urbanem okolju, v drugem primeru pa v manjšem kraju v bliţini Ljubljane. Rezultati kaţejo, da je skupna ocena stanovanjske enote v prvem primeru res nekoliko višja, vendar pa ima ob upoštevanju razmerja med njeno celovito kakovostjo in ceno enota iz drugega primera prednost.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, kakovost stanovanjskih enot, celovito ocenjevanje stanovanjskih enot, večkriterijski model za podporo odločanju, nepremičninski trg
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Kne]
Number of pages:XIII, 136 str., [38] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-32551 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5570145 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.07.2015
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Secondary language

Title:Development of Multi Criteria Model for Comprehensive Assessment of Residential Units
Over the past two decades, the Slovenian real estate market has experienced major changes. Increasing purchasing power and customer needs lead to an extensive increase in construction. The described phenomenon may lead to poor construction quality and in this respect, Slovenia was no exception. The master thesis addresses the quality of housing units from the point of view of potential customers who want to know what to expect for their money. In this context, first, the properties of residential units that represent their quality, and are therefore requested by the potential buyers, are identified. To determine the residential unit quality level, a multicriteria model is developed. The model consists of hierarchically distributed criteria (parameters) in four levels. At the first level, five key criteria are located: location, architecture, living comfort, technical quality and energy efficiency. Location conveys the impact of the surroundings upon the residential unit, and as it can not be substantially modified, it is considered as a type of real estate potential. Architecture as an added value to the building is also a prerequisite for comfortable and quality living. Technical quality, living comfort and energy efficiency are building matter, and their quality is recognized through the technological progress. By using the developed multicriteria model for the residential unit under consideration, an overall assessment based on point scale that reflects the level of achieved properties of the unit is determined. The results obtained by the proposed methodology are comparable irrespectable of the residential unit type. The point scale ranges from 1, where the property under consideration conforms to the valid Slovenian legislature, to the upper limit, 5, where the grade is justified on the basis of the research presented in this work. The applicability of the proposed model is presented by analysing two selected cases of residential units in multi-apartment building and a parametric study. In the first case, the residential unit is located in urban environment, while in the second, it is located in rural area in the vicinity of a Ljubljana city. The results show that the overall grade of the first residential unit is slightly higher, but taking into the account the price-performance relationship, the second case is given priority.

Keywords:civil engineering, master of science thesis, quality of residential units, comprehensive assessment of residential units, multicirteria decision support model, real estate market

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